Chapter 57

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Part 57


After finishing off the phone call to Nicola, Cheryl got up and wandered through to the kitchen. Tre seemed to be taking forever and she wanted cuddles.

She found him standing against the counter, staring out the window. She noticed the look on his face; something was playing on his mind. She pouted slightly, wandering over to him and wrapping her arms around him from behind.

"What's up, babes?" she asked. He wriggled out of her embrace and moved over a bit. She frowned at him.

"Okay what is it, seriously? Did I-" she was saying but he stopped her.

"Were you gonna tell me about visiting Ashley's family?" he asked, looking down. Cheryl sighed a bit, biting her lip.

"Yeah, but I didn't know how you were going to react then you did all this and I'd forgotten until I was on the phone to Nicola." she replied. Tre sighed a bit.

"Is that where you went after lunch with Sarah or did you go before?" he asked.

"After, but I just pulled up in front of the house, looked then left." she said, fiddling with the hem of her dress. Tre rubbed his head, looking up at her as she looked down at her feet.

"Baby, why are you still so tied up with his family?" he asked as she looked up again. She shrugged, biting her lip.

"I don't know; I guess because they were the only other family I had down here, and we were so close. I mainly went to see Kenzie, because I really miss him. I don't miss me and Ash's relationship but I miss his family; if that makes sense." she explained. He nodded, looking down. Cheryl looked down again, blinking back tears. Tre was mad at her; she just knew it.

"I'm going up. You coming?" she asked in a small voice after they'd stood in silence for a few minutes.

"Yeah." he replied, turning around. Cheryl bit her lip; no kiss or anything. Sighing slightly, she went through the lounge and grabbed her phone then headed off upstairs. She took off the dress and slipped into a pair of pajama bottoms and a bright orange vest top, then she grabbed her favorite brown teddy bear that she always took on the road with her before climbing into bed. She sat cross legged and grabbed her phone, sending a text to Lily.

<<Cheryl: I think my boo is mad at me Xx>>

After the message sent, she put her phone down and put her earphones in. She started listening to Monica's first album, nodding her head to the beat. Soon enough, her phone lit up with a reply.

<<Lily: Hey babe sorry, me and Garry were watching a film and I didn't see my phone. Why would he be mad at you? Xx>>

<<Cheryl: Oh I'm sorry. I'm not interrupting am I? Xx>>

Cheryl lay herself down and rolled over, staring at the wall. A few minutes went by, them fifteen minutes, then twenty minutes passed; no reply from Lily. Cheryl stuck her lower lip out. What was this? Her best friend neglecting her for her brother?

Was this how her friends felt about her being with Tre? Like she was neglecting them?

She frowned to herself as she continued to stare at the wall. She nodded her head along, singing along to the song;

"I made the choice and you couldn't decide, I made the choice  I was wrong you were right, so deep down inside, I apologize..."

She was dragged out of her thoughts when she felt someone get into bed beside her. She looked, seeing that it was only Tre. Assuming that he was still mad, she just turned her head back and looked at the wall, not saying anything. She felt him slide his arm around her waist and felt a light kiss on her shoulder. Sighing slightly, she shut off her music and took her earbuds out before rolling over.

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