Chapter 47

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Part 47


The sound of Tre's phone buzzing is what woke the couple up the next morning. Cheryl groaned slightly as she felt Tre's arms leave her waist. She rolled over onto her side, looking at him as he grabbed his phone. He went to answer, but Cheryl grabbed it out of his hand.

"No." she giggled, in a playful mood. Tre gave her the evils, taking his phone back.

"It's just my mom." he said. She giggled again, running her fingers up and down his chest a few time as he answered. He started talking to his mother, wrapping his free arm back around her. Cheryl wanted to play, so she scooted a bit closer, pushing her leg in between his and kissing his chest lightly. Tre watched her, rolling his eyes.

"Um I don't think we go to Sheffield until tomorrow." he spoke down the phone, still watching Cheryl as she moved up. She started kissing his neck, making him shudder.

"Stop, baby." he whispered, moving the phone away.

"Why?" she whispered, smirking. He just shook his head, rolling his eyes as he went on talking to his mom. Cheryl rolled off of him and pulled the covers over herself some more, just watching him as he talked. She took his hand, playing with his fingers. He looked over at her and smiled.

"I love you." he mouthed.

"I love you too." she mouthed back, smiling. Soon enough, Tre held his phone out.

"My mom wants to say hi to you." he said. Cheryl smiled, sitting up a bit more and taking the phone.

"Hi!" she spoke down the phone.

"Hi Cheryl. Look we just want to say thank you for all that last night, me and Tabs really had fun. We'll see you again in New Jersey, around Christmas or New Years, right?" she asked. Cheryl's eyes widened. Even Shirley wanted her to come back to New Jersey for Christmas or New Years?

"Y-you really want me to come back, for the holidays?" she asked.

"Of course sweetheart. You're pretty much family now, and we love you to pieces." Shirley replied. Cheryl's smile went wider.

"Oh of course then, I'll see you around one of them holidays; Christmas or New Years." she said. After a bit more talking and a goodbye, the two hung up. Cheryl gave Tre his phone back, then snuggled up to him.

"I'm guessing my mom wants you back for the holidays?" he asked, stroking her bare back. She nodded, smiling widely, making Tre laugh as he kissed her forehead.

"I told you, my mom loves you." he said. She giggled, then leaned up and kissed him again. He kissed her back, running her hands up her back as he pushed his tongue into her mouth. She giggled against his lips, climbing on top of him, straddling him. He pulled away from her, biting his lip as he looked up at her. She had a cheeky grin on her face.

"Are we not done making up?" he asked. She shook her head, biting her lip.

"You should listen to me, then we wouldn't have all this making up to do." she winked, poking his chest. He smirked, grabbing her waist and rolling them over so that he was on top of her.

"I'm not complaining." he mumbled before kissing her again. She put her hand on his chest, pulling away.

"Condom." she giggled. He laughed a bit, rolling over and slipping one on. He then made his way on top of her again, kissing her as he pushed himself into her...


Later in the day, Cheryl and Tre both got showered and dressed, then decided to go out and do a bit of shopping. Cheryl text Lily and told her that they were off out, then she and Tre headed off down to the shops. It was a nice day and their hotel wasn't far from the shops, so they were walking.

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