Part 110

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*Hours Later*

"We're here, oh my God; let my birthday begin!" Cheryl cheered as they walked through into the airport. They'd just landed in Los Angeles; the time having flown by as they'd slept for ages. It was about seven in the morning there in Los Angeles and the sun was already shining bright in the sky as the temperature seemed to rise. Alison was looking around everywhere as she'd never even been to America before, and her enthusiasm was amusing to Cheryl, Lily and Garry as they waited for their bags to come off the belt.

"Wow; this is really amazing! Just the simple fact that everyone looks so relaxed and the sun is shining already; can we live here?" Alison asked, making the other three laugh as they watched her.

"Aw you're too cute babe; trust me I wish we could live here too sometimes." Cheryl replied as she stuck out her lip. Alison stuck out her lip as well.

"I wish though! It looks so cool." she said, holding Garry's hand tight as she still looked around. Cheryl just giggled and shook her head before pulling her phone out. She figured that Tre might be working already after he'd sent her an iMessage earlier telling her that he couldn't meet her at the airport because he had an early morning class to teach, but she decided to drop him a text anyway.

<<Cheryl: Baby boy! We're officially in the same city! Gonna go to the villa and chill for a while! Love you loads baby<3 xxxx>>

"Bella come on; get your bags." Lily giggled, making Cheryl look up. She grabbed her bags, then he four of them walked out to their waiting car with security guiding them along. The security took their bags and put them in the boot of the car while Cheryl, Lily, Garry, and Alison got into the car. Security closed the boot and have Mario a thumbs up, telling him that it was okay to go. Once everyone buckled up, Mario set off for the villa...


Later on, everyone was chilling out around the villa and outside. Garry and Alison were inside, watching films together while Lily was outside laying by the pool as she chatted away on the phone to Tyrell. Cheryl was laying down on her bed in her room, feeling a bit sick and a bit down because Tre wouldn't be able to come round for a few hours as he had a workshop to do. She scrolled through her phone, chewing her bottom lip before sitting up, suddenly remembering the gift from Ashley. She got up and rummaged through her bag before pulling the little gift bag out. She looked inside, smiling when she saw a soft brown teddy bear in there and a card. She sat the bear on her lap before opening the card, seeing a folded up note taped to it and a message written under it..

'There's not enough space in this card for everything I have to say, so I wrote a letter. xx'

Cheryl pulled the letter off and unfolded the paper before settling back against the pillows with the bear under her arm. She took a deep breath before finally reading..


Wow this is weird. I haven't written you a letter ages have I? You remember them times when I used to write you letters on our anniversary and the little love letters during the early days of our relationship? I still remember them and I still have some of them letters. I read them over some days when I'm bored and I just smile and think of the amazing time we had together. Alright carried away a bit, here we go..

Where do I start? You've really come far. Almost 30 years old and you've gone through more sh!t than some people go through in a life time. I'm really proud of you, honestly Chez. You're a strong woman, and you take everything to the chin, even when things get tough. I know I caused some of the stuff you went through, and I didn't help too much by leaving you wondering, but somehow you managed to get through it and move on with your life while I'm still sitting here feeling a bit lost, missing you but knowing I don't deserve you. You were the best thing that had ever happened to me, but I took you for granted and let you slip away, and I regret that more and more every single day. You're such a beautiful person inside and out, and the only girl that ever loved me for who I was, yet I threw it all away. I can never say sorry enough or explain my reasons enough because I know nothing will ever help the situation and plus, I don't want to mess with your head. I don't want to make you cry anymore than I have; I want you to be happy. I want to see those beautiful dimples when I see the paps pictures of you. I reckon that's all anyone wants for someone they care about; they just want them to be happy. I still care about you and I love you and I always will, seeing as you were Mrs. Cole at some point. However, I know we can never be anything anymore and while I am saddened by that, I understand it completely and I wish you nothing but the best, honestly.

Make sure you tell Tre how lucky he is every single day. If I could, I would go back and re-do it all and see that none of it ever happened. But then again, maybe not because if that was the case, you wouldn't be with the one that truly deserves you would you? I guess everything happens for a reason and I may not have found my reason yet, you have found your reason and I hope that reason is here to stay because I love seeing that smile and the dimples, and I love seeing those big brown eyes sparkle with happiness.

You're such an amazing person, Chez, honestly. You may not be my little star anymore, but you were truly a star and you deserve all the success and love and happiness in the world. I don't know when we'll see each other again, but just know that I will always love and care about you, and that I'm prouder than proud of you! Keep shining like the star you are.

Happy 30th Birthday; here's to another decade of craziness in the world of Chez!

Best wishes,

Ashley xx'

Cheryl had a few tears slipping down her cheeks by the time she'd finished reading, feeling so emotional after Ashley's kind words that had obviously come from his heart. She just sat there for a minute, staring at the letter, the words blurring together through her tears before one softly landed on the paper, making the inch smudge slightly though Cheryl didn't seem to even care. She sighed a bit before picking up the letter and taping the note back inside. However, as she was doing so, she noticed another message on the side..

'Squeeze the bear's hand!Xx'

Chery frowned slightly in confusion before putting the card aside and squeezing the bear's hand, instantly smiling as it lit up with red hearts all over. She giggled to herself, then wiped her eyes before putting the bear aside and stuffing the card and letter back into the gift bag just as the doorbell went. She quickly stood up and looked at herself in the mirror, smiling as she was wearing her favorite pair of denim shorts, a neon orange vest top and her toes were painted bright orange. She skipped off to the lounge, seeing that Garry had already opened the door and now Tre had come inside.

"Tre!" she smiled, rushing up to him as he turned around. He immediately smiled and hugged her tight, lifting her up and spinning her around as they suddenly forgot that Alison and Garry could see them. Garry was rolling his eyes and watching the tv while Alison was watching them with her lip stuck out, thinking they were adorable.

"I really missed you." Cheryl smiled cutely as Tre was still holding her up, his hands under her bum as she had her legs around his waist.

"I missed you too, baby." he smiled before kissing her again. He then put her down and hugged her tightly before sitting on the sofa with her on his knee.

"How you been, mate?" Garry asked, looking up. Tre gave a thumbs up.

"Been pretty good; busy. How've you two been?" he asked. Garry and Alison both gave a thumbs up before telling Tre about their mini holiday they had been on a couple weeks before. Cheryl just snuggled into Tre some more, which made him smile as he stroked her side while listening to Garry and Alison. Soon enough, Lily came back inside, instantly giving Tre a fist bump before sitting down with them all, joining in the conversation...

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