Chapter 101

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Part 101


That night, the couple were snuggled up in bed together, ready to enjoy their first night together in their amazing little bungalow. Cheryl was just wearing a pair of green pajama shorts with a matching green vest top while Tre was just wearing a pair of basketball shorts. They'd had some amazing sushi for dinner, so now it was time to wind down and possibly get some sleep.

"I wanna take a picture." she pouted cutely, reaching over and grabbing her phone.

"Of?" he asked, laughing a bit.

"Us, silly." she smirked before holding her phone up above them. He sweetly kissed her cheek while she pouted cutely, then she snapped the picture before turning her head and kissing his lips. She then looked back at her phone and tweeted the picture..

'Holiday with the babes! Thank you so much @TreHolloway22! Mwaaaah! xxxx'

"You know I really can't wait to see your workshops and stuff; it's so cool that I'll finally be able to support you properly after you've been supporting me so much." she said. He smiled, stroking her hip.

"Aw baby I always feel your support right here." he said, putting his hand over his heart. She just giggled as she took his hand and interlocked their fingers.

"Aw you know what, you've gotta stop being so cute. I'm gonna start taking the p!ss soon." she smirked, making him laugh as be playfully shoved her.

"You're so mean." he said, pulling her close again. She just giggled cutely before kissing him gently, wrapping her arms around him as he rolled them over, laying on top of her. She giggled against his lips, feeling him push against her as he inched his hands under her vest top. She pulled away and smiled, pulling off her vest top before laying back and watching him. He smirked and lay over her again, kissing over her chest before kissing down to her stomach. He ran his tongue along the top of her shorts, making her shudder as she watched closely. He then pulled her shorts down and began kissing along her knicker line before pulling her knickers down and moving back up, kissing her gently as she took his hands and interlocked their fingers, holding them over her head.

Tre soon pulled away from her and just gazed down at her, smiling as he saw those big brown eyes looking back up at him and saw those beautiful dimples as she smiled back. He then leaned down and kissed her again, making her smile as she squeezed his hands.

"I love you." she mumbled.

"I love you more." he mumbled as well before kissing her again, making her smile even more...


Tre woke up the next morning, finding himself all alone. He sat up and stretched, then looked around as he couldn't see her. She wasn't out on the lounger so where was she?

"Silly girl!" he called. He soon her the soft footsteps and he looked up, seeing her coming through from the living room-kitchen area. He smiled at her; she was wearing nothing but her knickers and her vest top.

"I love your body." he winked, making her laugh as she wandered over and sat on the bed next to him, sitting on her knees.

"Hey I've got the curves back and they're not going anywhere." she winked, making him laugh as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her across him.

"I'm not complaining." he winked before pecking her lips a few times as she giggled. She deepened the last kiss, placing her hand on the back of his head before pulling away.

"Good morning, sir." she smirked, making him laugh.

"Good morning madam." he winked before leaning down and pecking her lips one more time. He tapped her bum, making her laugh as she moved. He pulled on his boxers and basketball shorts before getting up as well and placing his hands on her sides as they walked out of the room. Cheryl had ordered in some breakfast of cereal, toast, both strawberry and grape jam, fresh fruit and juice.

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