Chapter 72

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Part 72


*Couple Months Later*

A couple months had passed and now Cheryl had been back in the UK for a while. She had some Girls Aloud stuff to do; promotion for Something New, shooting the video for Beautiful Cause You Love Me, a bit of pre-single release promotion for Beautiful Cause You Love Me; just so much stuff to do. It was now the middle of December, and Cheryl hadn't seen Tre since the beginning of the month, when they'd performed at the Capital FM Jingle Bell Ball together. Now Tre had been back in Los Angeles for a couple weeks as he had some work to do, but he was flying back to the UK in a couple days time to have a little early Christmas celebration with Cheryl and her family, as they were spending the actual holidays in New Jersey with his family.

Tonight was a cold night in London, and the snow was starting to fall. Cheryl was sitting at home, waiting for the girls to come round for a girls night in. She was dressed in her penguins onesie and some hot chocolate coming along in the kitchen. She was thinking about skyping Tre, but then again she was thinking about maybe waiting until the girls were round, so they could all talk to him.

"Buster; for God's sake, come here and leave Coco alone!" Cheryl giggled, patting her lap. Buster ran over and jumped up in her lap, only to be followed by Coco, who jumped up on the sofa and curled up beside Cheryl's leg.

"Can't you two play nicely." she giggled, stroking their fur. Buster moved and curled up on the back of the sofa, which gave Coco the opportunity to climb up on Cheryl's lap and stretch out. Cheryl just rolled her eyes and laughed, picking up her phone as it buzzed. It was a text from Kimberley.

<<Kimberley: Hey hey babe! We're outside; oddly enough we pulled up at the same time :P Gonna let us all in then? ;)xx>>

<<Cheryl: Haaaa! Hey hey Kimbersss! Of course! Two seconds! xx>>

Cheryl picked Coco up in her arms and went off to the door. She opened the door, seeing the girls coming up the walkway with their bags in tow.

"God are you moving or what?" she joked as they laughed. They all had a group hug, obviously happy to see each other and to have this night together.

"God it's been ages since we've had a night like this. Where's the food, Chez?" Sarah asked, throwing her arm around her friend's shoulders. Cheryl rolled her eyes, locking the door and setting the security system.

"Yes Sarah, I'm okay thanks for asking." she giggled as she let Coco off on the floor so she could run around.

"Oh my God; okay start over! Cheryl how are you?" she asked, nudging her as they went into the living room.

"Anyway, I'm fine and pizza is on the way." she replied as she took all their bags and put them in the closet. She then went into the kitchen and poured the cups of hot chocolate before making her way back to the living room.

"There you go, girlies." she said.

"Aw, you little babe." Nadine said, taking her mug. Cheryl giggled, sitting herself down on the floor between Kimberley and Nicola. All the girls were dressed in their onesies. Sarah's had on a cheetah print onesie, Nicola had on a Looney Toons onesie, Nadine had one a onesie with lips all over it and Kimberley had on a onesie with snowflakes over it.

"So Kimbers, where's Justin tonight then?" Sarah asked.

"He's at home, but Chloe's round and I figured that I should give him some time with her, so I was like; 'Ah yeah I'm just going to Cheryl's for a girlie night with the girls'." Kimberley replied, taking a sip of her drink.

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