Chapter 27

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"Gonna tell me where we're going?" Cheryl asked a little while later, glancing over at Tre as they drove along the streets. They'd been riding around for the last half hour. They hadn't really spoken much; the radio was playing and there was the odd time where Cheryl would sing along to some random song on the radio. 

"Almost there." he said, pulling into a parking spot. Cheryl looked up; they were in the park. 

"I wanna show you the view." Tre said, getting out of the car. He then went around and helped her out, then shut the door back. He then helped her up onto the hood of the car, then sat up there with her. She moved so that she was between his legs, then leaned back against his chest as he leaned back against the windshield. 

"Look up." he said, pointing to the sky. She looked up, gasping and smiling when she saw all the stars twinkling in the sky.

"Whoa babe....that's such a nice view." she smiled, putting her hands over his as his hands were on her stomach with his fingers linked. He smiled and kissed her head before resting his head against hers.

"Chez...can we talk about it now?" he asked. She nodded, sitting up slightly. She moved so that she was sitting beside him, before putting her arm around his neck.

"I'm all ears, baby." she spoke softly, stroking his head gently. He sighed slightly, composing himself.

"Me and my dad were so close; hell I used to look up to him. That is, until he left my mom for some woman he'd only known for like, three months. See, it happened when I was about nineteen." he began telling the story as Cheryl listened closely....


By the end of the story, Cheryl felt like she was about to cry. It sounded just like when her dad and her mum had split up, except they hadn't been married and there were more children; and she actually had a relationship with her dad. Tre didn't have that, and from the sounds of it, he didn't want one.

"I don't really blame you, for not wanting to try to get along with your dad." she said as he pulled her into his lap. He tightened his arms around her, resting his chin on her shoulder. 

"I really don't want one right now, yet at the same time, something deep down inside of me loves him. He's still my dad, you know." he said before lightly kissing the side of her neck. She snuggled against him, kissing his cheek. He smiled slightly at her before pecking her lips.

"Thank you baby, thank you so much...for just being here. You mean the world to me, Chez, and you're just the best because you're always there. I love you so much, so so much." he said. She smiled, her eyes filling up as she felt it in her heart...he meant every single word he'd just said. She hadn't felt that with anyone, not even Ashley.

"Aw baby, I love you too and you know what, I'll always be here for you. No matter what baby, I promise." she smiled. He smiled back before leaning in and kissing her gently, tangling his hands in her hair...


A couple of hours later, Cheryl and Tre returned to the house, only to find that all of the family was gone. Tre got out of the car and wandered round to Cheryl's side, helping her out. He then shut the door and locked up the car, then wrapped his arms around her, standing there with her for a second. She leaned against the side of the car, putting her hands on his arms, giggling slightly.

"Are we gonna go inside?" she asked, looking up at him. He nodded, just staring at her. The light from the street post was hitting her face, making her eyes sparkle. She was stunning; no, she was beyond stunning.

"In a second." he mumbled before leaning in and kissing her gently, smiling against her lips, making her smile as well. He ran his tongue along her bottom lip, making her laugh a bit as she opened her mouth, allowing him to slip his tongue inside. She stroked his tongue with her own, then gave his bottom lip a gentle nibble before pulling away.

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