Chapter Sixteen

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After her radio interview, Cheryl and Lily decided to go grab a late breakfast together. While on the radio, Cheryl had been grilled about Tre, but she'd carefully dodged them, not wanting to give too much away. It was obvious, so what did she need to say anything more about it for?

"Cheryl...reckon I could do good with singing?" Lily asked out of the blue as they sat around McDonalds together, with Lee, the bodyguard. 

"Uh..erm..." Cheryl stammered, but just started laughing the second Lee did. He was across from them and he'd actually stopped eating his breakfast just to look at her. 

"Lils...can you sing then?" he asked, still laughing a bit. Lily shrugged, giggling slightly.

"I could give it a go, you two.." she defended herself, before singing the opening lines to Cheryl's new song, Under The Sun..

"We all got lonely days, get stuck in a phase, I can see the sun is shining bright, right on through the haze.."

"Alright Lily, shush!" Cheryl said, flicking a bit of egg at her. Lily giggled before going back to her breakfast. Lee had to admit, he loved working for Cheryl. Seeing her and Lily's constant banter everyday...very entertaining.

"You you ever get sick of each other?" he asked, laughing and shaking his head at them. Lily shook her head while Cheryl just stared at Lily, smirking.

"Well I mean you know, sometimes Lily can bug the sh!t out of....No I'm joking." she laughed, making Lily pout.

"You're just *Ducking* horrible to me. It's not fair." she pretended to sulk, hitting her boss's arm before turning her nose up in the air. Cheryl giggled, poking her sides.

"Come on Lils, I'm not horrible to you. If I was horrible, I wouldn't have raised your pay last week." she nudged her. Lily giggled slightly, looking at her. 

"Okay thats true." she said, nudging her back. Cheryl just laughed, pulling out her phone as it buzzed in her jean pocket. She looked at the screen, smiling when she saw the little text message symbol and the name...'Tre'

"It's Tre...see how she's chirped up." Lee said, making Lily laugh. Cheryl looked up and gave them the evils, then read Tre's message.

<<Tre: Hey baby! How'd the radio go? xxxx>>

<<Cheryl: Hey sexy  Interview went great actually. I was asked about youu but I dodged it really lol. Why state the lol What are you doing? xxxx>>

<<Tre: Haha silly girl! Too funny...guess you don't have to state the obvious  lol Nothing just sorting my suitcase out. You? xxxx>>

<<Cheryl: Haha  Um just eating! Shall I bring you something back? xxxx>>

<<Tre: Always eating...greedy monkey  lol jk babe! Nah don't...I'm alright  xxxx>>

<<Cheryl: Shushh not a greedy monkey :P Ah okay baby! I'll be home asap! I love you so freaking much baby! xxxx>>

<<Tre: Whatever you say  lol See you soon baby! I love you so freaking much too silly girl!  xxxx>>

Cheryl put her phone away and looked up, continuing to chat with Lily and Lee...



Cheryl giggled, turning around and waving as Lily waved back from the back of their car. She'd just returned home, and now she was going in to spend more time with her man. She wandered up to the door and unlocked it, then went off inside. She locked up and set the security system, then kicked off her shoes and left them by the wall near the door. 

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