Chapter 31

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Lily returned to the hotel room not long later, holding Garry's hand as they walked in together. They'd had a lovely time just hanging out, so now they were planning to chill. 

"Get some films out and I'll check on Chezza." she said, smiling at him. He smiled back and kissed her forehead.

"Alright then." he said. She giggled, squeezing his hand before going off to Cheryl's bedroom. She opened the door slowly, seeing Cheryl curled up in bed, clutching her phone, sound asleep. She looked around, not seeing Tre's bag. Where had he gotten to?

"Chezza." she whispered, shaking her gently. Cheryl stirred a bit, squinting at her. 

"Hmm?" she replied before yawning a bit. Lily smiled slightly at her.

"Where's Tre gotten to?" she asked. Cheryl's face fell; she sighed and looked away, tears instantly filling her eyes. She was hoping that it had all been a dream, and that she and Tre hadn't actually had a fight.

"We had a fight." she mumbled. Lily gasped. Cheryl and Tre had a fight? This couldn't be?

"Wh-what happened?" she stuttered, clearly shocked. Cheryl sighed slightly, sitting up a bit as she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

"We were gonna Skype his mam and his sister, and he told me to text his sister from his phone, so I did and while I was waiting for her to reply, a text popped up from some girl called 'Nikola C', and she was saying that she missed him and asked to meet up. He said it was nothing and that they're only friends, but Lils, I just; I'm so scared. I'm scared that he's lying and is gonna be like.." she trailed off, biting her lip as more tears ran down her cheeks. Lily scooted up onto the bed beside her and pulled her into a tight hug. She knew what Cheryl was scared of; she was scared that things would end up going wrong like they had with Ashley. 

"Cheryl I'm sure it's nothing. Tre knows what you've been through; he wouldn't do that to you babe." Lily tried to assure her. Cheryl looked down as more tears fell down her cheeks.

"I can't lose him, but I think I have." she started to cry again, pulling her knees up, burying her face into them. Lily rubbed her back gently with one hand, and pulled out her phone with the other. She then sent a text off to Tre.

<<Lily: Hey. Are you okay? You and Chezza are too cute and too perfect for each other to be like this :/ I can't stand it. Can you two work it out? What exactly is the deal? xo>>

Soon enough, Tre replied to the message...

<<Tre: Hey Lils. I'm fine, just missing Chez now :/ Lils I swear to you there is nothing with that girl. She's called Nikola; we went to college together, me and her and her two sisters, Heather and McCall. They're like my sisters; they know all about Cheryl and are all happy for me. I swear I wouldn't do anything to hurt her. xo>>

<<Lily: Alright calm down I believe you. She's just been through so much; he messed her up bad when he broke her heart. He did it twice, so you really can't blame her for having trust issues :/ I think you two really need to sit down and talk properly. Text her? xo>>

<<Tre: Hm..I know he really missed her up and I'm trying so hard to put her back together :/ I'll text her. Thank you Lily xo>>

<<Lily: No problem. Work this out please; you make her so happy. I've never seen her so happy before so work this out. xo>>

Lily then put her phone to the side before kissing Cheryl's forehead.

"I've text Tre, he's going to-" she was saying, but stopped when Cheryl's phone buzzed. Cheryl lifted her head and reached over to grab her phone. She then looked at the screen, seeing his name...'Tre'

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