Chapter 64

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Part 64


Later in the afternoon, Tre was having a nap on the sofa while Cheryl was doing some laundry. She was in the middle of loading up to washer when her phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out, looking at the screen. It was a text from Lily.

<<Lily: Yo; you up to much? Xx>>

<<Cheryl: Sup *Female Dog*?  Nah not really. Doing the last load of laundry. Why? Xx>>

<<Lily: Well Garry and I are looking at leaving tonight instead of in the morning; You and Tre up for that or just gonna wait till the morning? Xx>>

<<Cheryl: Ooh I'll ask him then call you  Xx>>

Cheryl finished loading the washer and turned it on before going through to the living room. Tre was sleeping peacefully with one arm across his stomach and his hand behind his head. She smirked, then ran and jumped on him. He jumped awake, looking up at her with wide eyes.

"Jesus Christ...Chez!" he frowned at her. She pouted cutely at him, knowing he couldn't resist.

"Lily and Garry are leaving tonight instead of in the morning. Shall we do that too or just wait till the morning?" she asked, drawing circles on his chest with his finger.

"Hmm, lets go tonight." he replied, stroking her side. She smiled, tapping his nose before sitting there on him, ringing Lily back. Soon enough, she answered..


"Hey Lils! We're gonna leave tonight too." she explained.

"Ah okay cool! Be round yours at seven; flight leaves at eight." Lily said. 

"Okay see you then." Cheryl replied. She then hung up and leaned down, pecking his lips.

"They'll be here at seven." she said. He smiled, kissing her again, stroking her sides. She smiled against his lips, getting lost in his touch when suddenly, the doorbell went.

"*Duck*'s sake." she mumbled, getting off of him. He sat up, laughing at her reaction. She went off to the door and checked the peephole, squealing slightly when she saw who it was.

"Mammy!" she said, bouncing slightly as she opened the door. Joan smiled at her, hugging her.

"Hiya pet." she said. Cheryl smiled, kissing her cheek. 

"Are you gonna stay or are you going back?" she asked, shutting and locking the door.

"Staying the night, pet. I'm not making that drive back up today. I'll go back tomorrow." Joan replied, putting her bag down before following her daughter to the living room. Tre looked up from the TV, smiling when he saw her.

"Hey there Joan." he greeted, standing up and giving her a hug. Joan smiled back.

"Hi Tre." she said, sitting down on the chair. Cheryl slipped off to the kitchen, only to return a few minutes later with drinks. She then sat herself down beside Tre. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, smiling at her. She smiled back before turning back to her mother.

"So Tre and I are leaving tonight instead of in the morning." she said. Joan nodded.

"Alright; and I suppose you want me to finish that laundry you've got going, don't you?" she asked. Cheryl giggled a little bit, nodding.

"Please. It's only some towels and stuff." she said. Joan just laughed, nodding.

"Tre you see how much of child she is? Has me doing her laundry and everything." she joked as the couple laughed.

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