Part 97

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Part 97


*Days Later*

A few days had passed, the tour was now over and Cheryl had rested up for a couple days. Now the day had come for her to fly out to Los Angeles to see Tre and of course she was extremely excited. Lily had stayed round the night before as she was seeing Tyrell while she was out there.

"Are you all packed up then?" Lily asked. Cheryl nodded, bouncing slightly on the spot. She was wearing a pair of jeans, a loose vest top under a denim jacket and a pair of wedged trainers.

"My God I could jump for joy! A whole month has gone and now we're finally seeing each other again!" she said, grabbing up her last few bits.

"I'm feeling all excited too! Trellz said to text when we get to the villa and he'd come round with Kaison so gah!" Lily said.

"Oh my God! I can't wait to meet him then!" she said, grabbing her phone as it beeped. She looked; it was a new text from Tre.

<<Tre: Baby it's after midnight here now so I'm going asleep because I head to Seattle in the morning for some workshops but I want you to text me as soon as you land! No matter what! I love you princess and see you soon! xxxxxxx>>

<<Cheryl: Aaaaah goodnight baby! We're almost there!! In about 12 hours we'll be in the same country!! Woooop! I love you too baby boy! See you soon! Xxxxx>>

"The car's outside!" Lily announced. Cheryl squealed, grabbing her bags and her case before rushing off downstairs behind Lily. The dogs were up in Newcastle so that was all sorted and she had nothing to worry about. Now, it was finally time to go see Tre. She set the security alarm, then rushed out the door behind her assistant...


*Hours Later*

"Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. We will be landing at Los Angeles International Airport in ten minutes."

Cheryl and Lily exchanged an excited glance as they fastened their seat belts. Finally, after ten long hours in the air, they were just minutes from being in the same country with their men. They'd slept for most of the flight, then once they were awake they freshened up and got changed into some cooler wear as they knew it would be really warm in Los Angeles. Cheryl wore a navy blue floral print high waisted skirt with a white vest top ticked into it and a denim sleeveless jacket along with her tan sandals while Lily wore her dark blue denim cut offs, a peach vest top and her black flip flops.

Soon enough, the plane landed, much to the girls excitement. They got their bags and exited the plane, then immediately went over to collect their luggage. Once that was all done, they followed the security guards out to their waiting car. Security loaded their bags into the boot while they slipped into the backseat. Once they were done, they gave the signal. Their driver gave a thumbs up, then started off on the road. Cheryl decided to text Tre to let him know that they were officially in the same country. It had only just gone noon there, so she knew he was either working or on his lunch break now.

<<Cheryl: Babyyyyy!! I'm here! We're in the same country, on the same side! Gaaaaaaah! Hurry back from Seattle! xxxx>>

Once the text sent, she went on to text the other girls. She knew that Nadine had come back to Los Angeles a couple days earlier, and she hadn't really spoken to her since the last night of the tour. She toyed with her phone a bit, then sent a mass text to them all.

<<Cheryl: Hello ladies! I've landed in LA safely See yous soon! Xxxxx>>

Almost instantly, the girls text back; all apart from Nadine...

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