Chapter Twenty

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"Babe what's up?" Tre asked as Cheryl entered the bedroom. He'd looked up and seen her face, her face looking as white as a ghost. Now he wanted to know what was up.

" her room..asleep." she choked out, frowning slightly, confused. What was all this about? Were Lily and her brother seeing each other behind her back or something? 

"Babe relax, I'm sure its harmless. Maybe they were just chilling out or something and fell asleep together." he tried to assure her, wrapping his arms around her. She shrugged, putting her hand on his arm. 

"Hmm..maybe." she replied. She wriggled out of his arms and shut the bedroom door, then started rummaging through her bag. She pulled out her pajamas and wandered off to the bathroom, putting her clothes on the side of the sink before turning on the shower. She then poked her head round the door, looking over as Tre sat on the bed.

"So you're not joining me then?" she giggled, smirking slightly. He laughed, standing up, pulling his shirt off as he wandered to the bathroom. She giggled and draped her arms around his neck, kissing him gently. He laughed against her lips before pulling away, staring at her for a second. She giggled up at him again as she reached behind him and shut the door, before running her hands up his chest, over his muscles. He laughed before pecking her lips again.

"Silly girl." he mumbled against them before kissing her again, making her smile...    


After a nice shower together, the two dressed in their pajamas before climbing into bed. Tre switched on the TV and switched off the bedside lamp, then pulled Cheryl into his warm arms. She smiled, resting her head on his bare chest, putting her arm across his stomach. 

"I love this, like just cuddling up with you and not doing anything else...not that I don't mind the other thing but you know." she giggled, going a bit red. He laughed as he lightly kissed the top of her head.

"I get you babe. I like just cuddling up with you too, it's nice." he said, stroking her back gently. She smiled, lightly kissing his jawline.

"You know, I was scared at first about meeting your family, but now I can't wait. I just hope its okay and that they like me." she said. 

"They'll love you, princess. In fact, when I was on the phone to mom, she asked about when I was gonna bring you to meet everyone. She's excited, my sister's excited...and also, her and my mom are huge fans of yours." he explained, now playing with her hair. She gasped, sitting up slightly.

"What? How do they know me?" she asked. 

"They saw you on X-Factor USA last year and looked up your music, found some of it, then dug even further and found out about Girls Aloud. Yeah..obsessed with you. They found out I was gonna be dancing for you and went mental, then they found out about us dating and now they just can't wait to meet you." he explained. She blushed, giggling a bit.

"Oh my God...I hope your mam doesn't say something and make me go red." she giggled, cuddling into him some more.

"You'll be fine babe. You know whatever she'll say is true. She called you lovely over the phone." he told her, stroking her side again. She immediately went red, looking up at him.

"I'm not." she giggled, burying her head into his neck. He just laughed.

"Yes you are. You're lovely, gorgeous, hilarious...everything." he said sincerely. She just laughed as she let out a yawn.

"Baby stop please!" she said, stroking his cheek before kissing it lightly. He turned his head and lightly pecked her lips. 

"Well it's true though baby." he replied as he tightened his arms around her. She just laughed, putting her head back on his chest, yawning again.

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