Chapter 73

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Part 73


Later in the night, after a dinner of Chinese food and wine, Cheryl and Tre were cuddled up in bed together, laughing and talking, kissing and cuddling. Tre had gotten a shower and had changed into a pair of joggers, leaving his shirt off so of course his ripped torso was on display. Cheryl had changed into her pink pajama bottoms with penguins over and a matching pink vest top with a massive penguin on the front. The pair were so happy to be in each other's arms again; two weeks was just far too long to be without each other.

"Don't you ever go away from me again; ever." she giggled, playing with their hands that were resting on his stomach. He had an arm wrapped tight around her while his other hand was on his stomach. She had her head resting on his chest, one hand under her own head and the other hand with his hand.

"I don't plan to babe, not for a while. Check this out; we have three whole weeks together. Just me and you, and all the time in the world." he said, raising an eyebrow. She giggled, moving her hand and putting her arm across his stomach so that she was snuggled into him.

"Yes; I'm really excited. Does Atlantic City do Christmas fireworks? Or New Years fireworks?" she asked, looking up at him.

"Oh baby; boardwalk is closed because it's winter; well partly that and because it got messed up in the storm so that won't be open for a while. I had another plan for us anyway, for New Years." he explained, tracing his fingers along the tattoo on her lower back. She pouted slightly, looking up at him.

"Ooh? What?" she said, stroking his chest gently, feeling the toned muscles beneath her fingertips. He shook his head, chuckling.

"It's a surprise so I'm not telling." he said, squeezing her gently. Her eyes widened.

"Oh my God; I hate surprises. Don't do this to us, babe." she said as she leaned up on her elbow, her hair falling down around her face. He laughed, moving her hair away from her face before lightly pecking her lips.

"I'm sorry silly; I just want you to be surprised. Just think; whatever it is, we'll be ringing in this new year together; starting off the new year together." he said. She nodded, smiling back and laying down, cuddling into him. She took his hand, interlocking their fingers.

"Baby; what do you think the new year will bring us?" she asked. He thought for a second as he continued to stroke her side.

"Well; definitely happiness, it'll be a happy year. Urm; I mean I don't know baby, you can't really predict stuff like what'll happen and all that. We'll just go with the flow and see what each day brings." he said.

"No no; I mean I know that; go with the flow and all, but I mean like if you had to pick anything, think of anything that could happen with us, what do you think?" she asked, scrunching up her nose.

"Erm; well I mean I think we'll just be really really happy, and that we may have a few challenges because of separation, like desperately wanting to see each other when it's not possible, but we'll get through everything and it'll be amazing when we meet up, because we're a strong couple. Things will be great in the new year; I can feel it." he said. She nodded as she kissed his chest. She then moved up and kissed his lips, resting her hand on his cheek.

"I love you so much; you know that yeah?" she winked, making him laugh as he nodded and stroked her cheek with his thumb.

"I love you too; so so much baby." he smiled before leaning in and kissing her again...


Tre woke up the next morning after he'd rolled over to cuddle Cheryl. However, he the other side of the bed was empty so he opened his eyes and sat up, looking around.

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