Chapter 68

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Part 68



Lily looked up from her iPod, smiling slightly as Garry came into the room. He sat down on the bed by her legs, taking her hand. She gulped a bit.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Lils, I'm just gonna be honest so can you listen?" he asked. She nodded so he went on.

"Look, I love you and I always will, but this isn't working. I can feel it in my heart that it's not working. I miss the old me and you." he said. Lily sighed slightly.

"The old me and you?" she wondered. He nodded, laughing a bit.

"Yeah; remember the two best friends that would always wind each other up and mock the boss behind her back." he winked. She laughed a bit, sniffling.

"God; I remember them times." she said, before going serious and continuing, "I agree with you though. It's not working and I can feel it too. I'm sorry, for everything."

"Hey it's not just that incident, it's other stuff too," he reached up and stroked her cheek before continuing, "Look we were great friends with no strings attached and I really miss that, so lets forget this and go back to being friends that wind each other up all the time and mock the boss behind her back. Deal?"

"Won't your sister kill me?" Lily wondered. Garry just laughed, shaking his head.

"Eh I'll protect you. She's been wanting to kill me for years anyway." he shrugged, making Lily laugh. She then hugged him tightly, breathing in his scent. He smiled against her shoulder, hugging her back.

"So do I have my best friend back or will it take a bit?" he asked. 

"We'll erm, actually there's something I need to be honest about. It's about-" she was saying but he cut her off.

"Tyrell?" he raised an eyebrow. Her eyes widened.

"Garry; I didn't want to hurt you and I was going to talk to you-" she was saying but he cut her off.

"Lily chill out; I know. When I mentioned him the other day your face lit up, that was sign number one that me and you weren't working." he said, still stroking her hand with his thumb.

"I'm sorry." Lily said, looking down. Garry tilted her head up, stroking her cheek before kissing her forehead.

"I want you to be happy. I'm sorry I couldn't do it and if he makes you happy, I won't stop you. I care about you and that's what I want, for you to be happy, Lils." he said. She smiled slightly, punching his arm.

"I want you to be happy too; find someone that makes you happy." he said. Garry smiled, pretending to think.

"Think I have a shot with Cameron Diaz?" he asked. Lily burst out laughing, wiping the tears away with the back of her hand. 

"You're a total plonker just like your sister." she said, laughing with him. 

"Hey she got it from me." he winked. Lily just shook her head.

"Hey, erm I think my MacBook has some power left and I have Bad Teacher on there. Want to watch?" she asked. He nodded, smiling.

"That'd be cool." he said. She nodded, getting up.

"Alright be right back." she smiled. Garry watched her go then got his phone out, sending a text to Cheryl...



"Hm baby...your phone." Tre panted a little over an hour later. He was on top of her again and they were having round two. However, Cheryl's phone was interrupting them.

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