Chapter 49

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Part 49


*Few Days Later*

A few days had passed and now the tour was in Manchester. Everything had been going well so far and Cheryl was getting great reviews for the show, with everyone saying her singing and dancing was up to par and she was one that really knew how to entertain and put on a show. Of course, not only that, but having Tre by her side was perfect. He was beyond supportive and was always saying how proud he was of her.

Cheryl rolled over onto her side and grabbed her phone as a bit of Labrinth's 'Let The Sun Shine' blared through the speakers on her phone. She mentally cursed herself, wondering why she's set that as her alarm. She then caught sight of the date on her phone and her smile went even wider..

Today was Tre's birthday! Finally! She was so excited! She had a surprise for him that night during the show and she just couldn't wait to see his face.

Sighing happily to herself, she rolled over and kissed his cheek a couple times before kissing his lips, waking him up. He slowly opened his eyes, smiling when he saw that dimpled grin on her face.

"Mm morning silly girl." he said before letting out a yawn. She giggled, lightly kissing his nose.

"Morning! Happy birthday, my sexy boy." she winked. He laughed a bit, rolling over onto his back and pulling her on top of him.

"Thank you baby. Nice spending my birthday with a beautiful girl." he winked. She smiled, giggling cutely before kissing him. He kissed her back, slipping his hands under the shirt she had on, resting his hands on her knickers. She smiled against his lips, pushing her tongue into his mouth. He stroked her tongue with his own, resting his hands on her bum, squeezing gently. She giggled against his lips before pulling away, smirking. He saw the naughty twinkle in her eye; she was thinking something.

"What you thinking about?" he asked, stroking her side. She giggled, biting her lip.

"Early morning birthday present." she winked. Tre laughed a bit, watching her.

"Oh really?" he asked. She nodded, pulling his boxers down and tossing them to the floor.

"Yes really." she smirked. She pulled off the top she had on then leaned down, kissing her way down his chest...


After their antics, the couple had a steamy shower together then got dressed. Cheryl dressed in a black jumpsuit and Uggs while Tre dressed in white t-shirt, baggy black jeans, a pair of Jordans, and a hoodie. Cheryl tied her hair into a messy bun, then turned around and placed her hands on Tre's chest.

"Your gifts are downstairs, as we're having a birthday breakfast." she said. He smiled, placing  his hands on her waist.

"I know what I want for breakfast." he winked before kissing her again. She laughed, kissing him back before pulling away.

"Just wait until tonight." she winked. He smirked, pinching her bum before getting his bag. She grabbed her bag as well, then the two left their room. First they went and made sure they were checked out as they weren't staying at this hotel tonight, then they went to the private dining area. Everyone was already waiting.

"There's the birthday boy." Brya said when she saw them. Everyone looked up and said 'happy birthday' to Tre and all that. They then all got settled and got themselves some breakfast, then started talking.

"I'm kinda sad that this is almost over." Brandee spoke up as they ate.

"I know. I feel like we're so close now, and that we'll be lost without each other when this is over." Fefe added.

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