Part 106

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Part 106


The train ride down to New Jersey had taken just under an hour. Once that was all done, the couple got a taxi to Shirley's and dropped their bags off then Tre took Tabby's car and drove off to the hospital. Once there, they got out before wandering off inside. They didn't see Shirley, but Leslie was sitting there in the waiting room with Tabby's best friend Jayda.

"There's my boy and my lovely Cheryl." Leslie said when she saw them, instantly coming over and hugging them. They hugged her back, smiling as they did so.

"Ya alright, Leslie?" Cheryl asked. Leslie nodded, smiling at her.

"I'm good sweetheart; how was your trip to Bora Bora?" she asked.

"Was nice for a bit, but then we had to fly to England and check on my brother so it was cut short but over all it was nice." Cheryl explained before hugging Jayda, who was exactly like Tabby; she treated Cheryl like a normal person rather than a popstar.

"Aw honey, things all good then with your brother?" Leslie asked, sticking her lip out. Cheryl nodded before sitting down with Tre. They carried on talking for a while longer, with Cheryl telling them about the Girls Aloud tour, showing them some pictures from Bora Bora, and then telling them about her brother's accident. However, about half an hour later, Shirley finally came through with a smile on her face...

"We have a baby. It's a girl." she announced, making everyone clap and cheer. They soon all went in to see Tabby, who was looking relaxed as she held her newborn daughter in her arms.

"Aw girl she is beautiful. What did you decide to name her?" Jayda asked as they immediately started fussing over the little girl.

"Trinity Bre'Nae Holloway." Tabby replied, looking down at her daughter that was sleeping again. She was slightly darker than Tabby, with a mass of black hair, long eyelashes and the cutest little nose and lips. They fussed over her a bit longer, just loving the fact that she was here and that Tabby seemed to be taking to this motherly thing already, tenderly cradling her tiny daughter in her arms and looking down at her with complete adoration in her eyes.

"T, you wanna hold her?" Tabby asked once her mother handed little Trinity back over. Cheryl looked at Tre, who was looking a bit nervous.

"Go on then, you're her uncle." she giggled, shuffling off his knee. Tre nodded before carefully taking the tiny infant into his arms. Trinity relaxed in Tre's arms, pouting her lips up at him, making Tre laugh.

"Hey little lady; I'm your Uncle Tre." he whispered as Trinity started drifting off again. Cheryl watched him, putting her head on his shoulder as she did so. They carried on chatting a bit, with Tabby asking about the rest of the tour and asking about their trip to Bora Bora that she had actually helped Tre decide on.

"Ah babe the trip was wicked, so I do thank you for helping him decide on it." Cheryl giggled as Tre slipped little Trinity into her arms, making her smile as she let her grip her finger.

"Ah no problem; he was freaking out trying to figure out where to take you.." Tabby giggled as she looked at her daughter in Cheryl's arms. "Hey she loves Auntie Cheryl already."

"Auntie Cheryl?" Cheryl scrunched her nose up, looking up. Tabby nodded, giggling.

"Look, that's what I wanted to kinda surprise you about. Cheryl, you're more than my idol; you're my best friend too and Tre, you're my only brother and you're my best friend as well, so I was wondering if you guys wanted to be Trinity's godmother and godfather, you know as well as her auntie and uncle? Jayda's already one godparent so you guys can join her, you know if you want." she asked, feeling a bit shy. Tre and Cheryl both looked at each other before looking back at Tabby, nodding.

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