Chapter 104

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Part 104


Cheryl and Tre got to the hospital as quickly as they could. They went straight up to the intensive care unit and found all of the family there, standing around Garry, who was awake but looking slightly confused. However, he couldn't talk because he still had a breathing tube down his throat.

"Gaz look, Chezza and Tre are here." Gillian said once Cheryl had hugged her nieces and nephews that she hadn't seen earlier. She then went straight over to Garry and kissed his forehead, taking his hand as he looked up at her.

"What did you tell us when I got out after malaria? Don't ever scare us again, wasn't it? Well I'm saying it to you; don't you ever scare us like that again or I swear I'll knock you into the next millennium." she joked while sniffling, making everyone laugh while Garry just squeezed her hand gently. She squeezed his in return, looking up as Tre came over and patted his arm.

"Good to see you awake mate." he smiled. Garry reached for a bit of paper, so Joe handed it over to him before handing him a pen. Garry managed to write a bit before holding it up to Tre. Tre laughed a bit as he read it over..

'Did you get the new Sniper 2 game for PS3?'

"Yeah man I got it; it's sick too so we'll have to play it when you're out of here and stuff." he laughed as everyone else started laughing as they knew Garry had written something about a video game.

"Typical Gaz right." Joe laughed, making them all laugh as they knew that video games was pretty much what Garry lived for. Cheryl suddenly had a thought and looked around; where was Garry's girlfriend? She thought about that for a bit, but decided she'd just ask later when the breathing tube was out and he'd gotten his rest up. Instead, she just sat herself down on Tre's knee, leaning into him...


Later on, after the nurse had come in and taken out Garry's breathing tube, he was moved to a more comfortable recovery room where he was now sleeping again as everyone had left, apart from Joan, Cheryl, and Tre. Joan was asleep on the chair while Cheryl and Tre were sitting on the window seat, talking quietly as they faced each other.

"I'm glad he's alright; this has seriously been the longest twenty-four thirty-six whatever amount of hours of my life." she sighed deeply, looking out the window as Tre held her hands between them.

"I'm glad he's okay too." he said. Cheryl looked up, smiling slightly.

"Bromance?" she joked, trying to lighten the mood. Tre laughed a bit, stroking her hands with his thumbs.

"Hell yeah; me and your bro love each other. Hey he's almost as adorable as you." he joked on the last bit, making Cheryl scrunch her face up while Tre just laughed.

"Joking baby; seriously though your brother is dope. He's a cool dude." he said.

"Well he is pretty dope; nah I love him! He's like, my double in boy form, with his dimples." she giggled, glancing over at her brother, who was sleeping peacefully.

"I wonder where his girlfriend is." she pouted, thinking of his girlfriend, Alison. She hadn't seen her since before she'd left, and even then she'd still seemed as nice as ever.

"Maybe she doesn't know." Tre suggested. Cheryl shrugged before looking out the window again, letting out a yawn as she did so.

"Ugh I'm *Ducking* tired." she sighed.

"Me too bubs; do you want to leave and get some sleep?" he asked. She nodded, standing up first before holding his hand as he stood up. They then wandered over to her mother and Cheryl lightly kissed her cheek before lightly kissing Garry's cheek.

"See you later G-Man." she whispered before wandering out with Tre, leaning into him as she did so...


When they returned to the house, it was quiet apart from the TV from the living room. They poked their heads into the living room and found Gary and Joanne asleep together on the sofa. Cheryl just rolled her eyes while Tre chuckled a bit before pulling Cheryl through to the kitchen.

"I don't know about you but I'm hungry." he said, warming up some of the casserole that Joanne had made earlier. Cheryl giggled, hopping up to sit on the bench top.

"I'm hungry too."  she said. She then jumped a bit as her phone started buzzing. She pulled it out and looked at the screen, seeing a text from a number she didn't recognize. However, she opened the message anyway.

<<Hi Cheryl! This is Alison..I got your number from Lily's sister Rosie. What's going on?! She asked me about Garry and I've been on holiday with no phone so I hadn't a clue what was happening. Is he alright? She didn't know so she told me to text you. So is he okay? Xx>>

<<Cheryl: Hey Alison! Babe calm down he's was touch and go for a bit but he's fine now, he woke up earlier and he's breathing on his own so it's all a big blessing! Before they took the tube out, we had him writing notes and he wanted us to get up with you but none of us knew your number so he said he would get ya after he came home. Xx>>

<<Alison: OH THANK YOU GOD!! Oh man I'm so glad I could get up with you; I'm glad he's alright! What happened? Is it okay if I go visit him now or is it too late?! Xx>>

<<Cheryl: Aw babe see I don't know what exactly happened but he had a car accident. Mam called Lily who was in LA and Lily called me and I was in Bora Bora. Ah babe it's really late and visiting hours are over so just go with us in the morning? If you like you can either meet us there or come round in the morning and leave with us?>>

<<Alison: Oh could I really? Please? If it's okay? Thank you so much Cheryl! I know you're just as relieved that he's alright. Ha he tells me how much you get on his nerves and vice versa but he loves you so much it's unreal!>>

<<Cheryl: Haha aw babe bless! Come on it's perfectly fine! You're so welcome and yes I am relieved that he's alright! Aw haha the cheeky *Ducker*! Nah I love him so much! Anyway see you in the morning babe! Get some rest >>

<<Alison: Aha you guys are too cute! Alright see you in the morning girl! Thank you again Goodnight! xx>>

Cheryl put her phone aside before joining Tre at the table. The two tucked into the casserole, just laughing and joking around together as they ate. Once they were finished, they washed up the few dishes before quietly making their way up the stairs. They reached the room and shut the door and Tre instantly pulled his top over his head, making Cheryl's eyes widen a bit as they scanned his body.

"Wowza." she giggled before turning around to find her nightie. Tre just laughed, shaking his head as he pulled his jeans off, deciding to wear just his boxers to bed. Cheryl changed into her short, silk nightdress before climbing into bed with him and instantly cuddling up to him.

"Thank you, for just being so supportive and stuff." she managed to say before yawning. Tre smiled, lightly kissing her forehead.

"Hey don't thank me baby. Come on, is it time for a sleep?" he asked. Cheryl looked up at the clock, nodding as she noticed it was nearly one in the morning.

"Yeah, it's time for a sleep." she said. She then leaned up and gently kissed his lips, smiling against his lips as he pinched her bum. She then pulled away and kissed his nose before putting her head on his chest.

"Night night baby; I love you." she smiled. He kissed her head again, cuddling her close to him.

"Night night princess; I love you too." he whispered before closing his eyes, driving off to sleep along with her...

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