Chapter Nineteen

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Cheryl pouted and looked away from Tre, seeing Lily looking at her, pouting as well and tapping her foot with her hands on her hip. Cheryl and Tre had just arrived at rehearsals, and Lily was actually quite glad to see Cheryl. Cheryl had never come along to the hotel because she'd just stayed at her house with Tre, so of course Lily was missing her...big time.

"Hello to you too, Lils." Cheryl giggled, hugging her. Lily giggled slightly, hugging her back.

"I've missed you." she mumbled. Cheryl kissed her cheek before pulling away.

"I've missed you too babe, and I'm sorry we've never had that chat. Hey, on every break today..I promise." she winked. Lily giggled, nudging her slightly.

"Alright...and that kind sir right there," she pointed to Tre, "He'll just have to fall back for a bit. He shall not take my best friend and snog her during all breaks." 

The two girls looked at Tre, who was looking at them with a confused frown. They then looked at each other and burst into giggles, hugging each other again.

"I promise he won't." she whispered, giving her a squeeze before letting go. Lily giggled and wandered over to Beth while Cheryl wandered up to Tre. He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her forehead.

"What was that about?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, his hands on her waist as he was ready to tickle her. She giggled, shaking her head.

"Nothing...just a promise to talk to Lily during the breaks today, and you're not allowed to snog me loads during all the breaks today." she said, giggling cutely again. He laughed before leaning down and pecking her lips.

"Aw okay well I'll get all this kissing in now." he winked before leaning in and kissing her again. She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck, playing with his tongue once it entered her mouth. She then gave his bottom lip a gentle nibble before pulling away a bit, their faces still close.

"Stop kissing me like that!" she whined, stomping her foot slightly. Tre laughed, pecking her lips again. 

"Whatever cutie." he winked before kissing her again. She deepened it slightly, smiling as he played with his tongue again. However, they were soon interrupted when they heard..

"Cheryl and Tre!" 

The couple jumped apart, looking over as Beth looked back at them, tapping her foot. Cheryl went red and giggled slightly, wandering over to her. 

"I'm sorry, come on." she grinned. Beth just laughed before signaling them all to get into position.

"Alright here we go...Under The Sun." she said, before switching on the music...


"You're looking so damn good to me...Under the Sun!"

As the music ended, Cheryl sat herself down on Tre's knee and smiled, stroking his head. He laughed and kissed her cheek, then allowed her to stand up. They'd just finished the second run through of this song, and now it was time to chill for a second. 

"Come outside with me?" he asked, holding her hands as he stood up properly. Cheryl giggled slightly, shaking her head.

"Remember babe, I was gonna talk to Lily." she giggled. She then leaned up and pecked his lips, before wandering over to Lily. Lily smiled and looped her arm through hers, glad to talk to her best friend. There was so much she wanted to tell her...stuff she hadn't told anyone else.

"Can we go to the cafe? I just want to talk. There's some stuff I want to get off my chest." she smiled slightly. Cheryl frowned a bit, taking her hand and squeezing it gently.

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