Chapter Five

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After getting back to the hotel and taking a long shower, Cheryl finally changed into some tracksuit bottoms and a bright pink vest top, then put her hair up into a bun. She sat down on her bed and sighed, pulling out her phone and reading Ashley's message for the millionth time. Her finger hovered over the reply button for a second, then she finally pressed it, deciding to take a bite and reply.

<<Cheryl: And? Did you think I wouldn't?>>

She put her phone to the side and lay down on her bed, looking up at the ceiling. Why was Ashley texting her now? Of all the times to text her, why now? She was hoping and praying that he wouldn't be trying to win her back or something, because she didn't want him back. She was with Tre now and was happier than she'd ever been, so Ashley just couldn't ruin this...just no.

Her phone buzzed to life, so she grabbed it and looked at the screen, prepared to lay into Ashley. However, it wasn't him, it was Tre.

<<Tre: Hello beautiful. Shall I pick us up some pizzas or something?  xxxx>>

She smiled, her face lighting up and her heart soaring when she read the message. Tre certainly had quite the effect on her, and she knew that just being with him tonight would brighten her mood and make her forget all about Ashley and the sh!t.

<<Cheryl: Sounds great! Pizzas and a bottle of wine please and thank you. See you soon Mr. Holloway  xxxx>>

<<Tre: Okay silly girl  See you soon! xxxx>>

She then scrolled through her folder, seeing a new message from Ashley. She rolled her eyes and sighed before hitting the button to open it.

<<Ashley: Cheryl don't, I'm not trying to argue with you. It just shocked me a bit, seeing the picture of you and him all over the place. What did you expect my reaction to be?>>

<<Cheryl: Well, if we go by the way you slept around during our marriage and had them flings after our divorce, I'd think you didn't really care.>>

<<Ashley: Chez...I do care. Look, I'm happy for you really. He treating you alright?>>

<<Cheryl: He's treating me great. Always has done, even while we were still only friends.>>

<<Ashley: long as he's treating you right. If he does you wrong, call me and I'll knock some sense into him, alright?>>

This text message made Cheryl laugh. She thought she was gonna have to argue with him, but maybe Ashley did care somewhat about her feelings and safety. She smiled a bit, replying to his text.

<<Cheryl: I'll remember that  Ha! Take care of yourself...and good luck in your upcoming season  >>

<<Ashley: Thanks Chez. You take care of yourself too.>>

Cheryl put her phone to the side and looked up just as Lily wandered in. She was dressed in a pink dress with a black belt around the middle and black flats, and her hair was flowing down her back. 

"My assistant is flawless." Cheryl winked, making Lily laugh as she rummaged through Cheryl's stuff, in search of some lip gloss and eye-liner. Cheryl's eyes widened at how Lily was just going through her stuff, though there wasn't anything shocking in there, soo..

"What the hell are you looking for?" she asked, sitting up slightly. Lily turned around, lip gloss and eye-liner in her hand.

"These." she giggled, wandering back out. Cheryl just rolled her eyes, laying back on the bed. She started staring off into space, thinking of Tre and the last few months that they'd been together...

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