Chapter 105

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Part 105


*Few Days Later*

A few days had passed and now Garry had been back home for a couple days. Joan was staying down in London with him, and the other siblings and kids had gone back up to Newcastle. Since Tre had workshops at the weekend, he was flying to New York and Cheryl was going with him. She had been hesitant at first, but Garry kept insisting that he was fine and Joan was staying with him, so she was going.

"Mam, I swear to God if she asks me one more time I'm going to push her down!" Garry complained as Cheryl asked him for the millionth time if he was sure he'd be okay. Tre was outside loading the bags into the car.

"Chez, pet stop worrying! He'll be alright; I'm here, Alison will be here, stop worrying and go enjoy New York." Joan giggled, shaking her head. Cheryl just sighed and nodded before hugging her mother, then hugging Garry.

"Love you guys." she said. She then looked up, smiling as Tre wandered back in and hugged Joan before fist bumping Garry.

"Sniper two is all yours man! I left it on the stand on the X-Box in your room." he said. Garry's face lit up.

"I can keep it, mate? Do you not want it?" he asked.

"I'll buy another copy; you can have that one." Tre replied as Cheryl scrunched her nose up at him being so sweet. They then all shared hugs and said their goodbyes before Cheryl and Tre finally left the house...


*Hours Later*

Hours had passed and now the couple had only just arrived in New York. After getting their bags together, they got to their waiting car and were taken straight to the hotel. Once they were in and settled, Tre fell down onto the bed. Cheryl just giggled, sitting beside him and putting her hand on his stomach.

"You alright baby?" she asked. Tre just laughed a bit, taking her hand and lacing his fingers through hers.

"I'm okay baby; tired. I think I need proper sleep." he replied as he looked up at her. She giggled, crawling up and laying down beside him. They lay in silence for a few minutes, then Cheryl spoke up.

"Can you believe that tomorrow is our anniversary?" she grinned up at him, making him smile even more as it dawned on him that tomorrow was April seventeenth, his and Cheryl's one year anniversary.

"I can't actually; it's just flown by. You being a pain in my ass has made a year go by so much quicker." he joked, making her gasp as she hit his chest before giggling.

"Oh shut up, ya big vain loser." she giggled, making Tre laugh as he tickled her side.

"Okay you and my sister have obviously been talking too much; now she's got you calling me names too. Ooh speaking of Tabs, you know she's due soon yeah?" he replied as Cheryl's face lit up, not realizing that his sister's due date was actually really close.

"Oh yeah! Ah I bet she's so excited but a bit nervous like too. Bless her." she stuck her bottom lip out, making Tre chuckle as he tapped her nose.

"Tabby's got balls; she'll be fine." he joked, making Cheryl collapse into a fit of giggles as she shook her head...


After the two had gotten showered, they changed into some more comfortable wear before deciding the spend the remainder of the evening in bed, just laughing and talking, watching TV together; just being lazy together. They'd fallen asleep quite early due to being extremely tired from not getting proper sleep after flying all the way from Bora Bora to England, and being so worried about Garry. However, despite all the jet lag, Tre actually managed to wake up quite early as he had to run down and get some breakfast and roses for Cheryl, seeing as this was their anniversary.

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