Chapter 69

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Part 69


The next day, everyone has gotten up early and gotten dressed. They quickly packed up their things then gotten a car to the airport. Now, they were sitting around the lounge at the airport, waiting for their flight to be called.

"Garry, shh watch." Lily nudged him, making him look over. He smiled, seeing she had her phone out, preparing to take a picture of Cheryl and Tre, who were whispering and giggling to each other about whatever Cheryl was showing him on her phone.

"Do it." he laughed quietly, nudging her back. She nodded, biting her lip. She positioned her phone right then snapped the picture. She giggled to herself as she tweeted..

'Me and @gtweedy24 are trying to figure out what @CherylCole and Tre are whispering about. Hmm? ' 

"She'll kill us later." he laughed. Lily nodded, laughing along with him. The pair held in their laughter as Cheryl looked at her phone with a puzzled look on her face. She then looked up, scowling at them both.

"For *Duck*'s sake; you do know how dirty my fanbase is right?" she said, rolling her eyes. Lily and Garry burst out laughing, seeing how her eyes widened at every mention. 

"It was her idea." Garry said. Lily giggled.

"You didn't try and stop me though." she laughed. Cheryl just rolled her eyes at them both before replying to the tweet..

'@Lily_England @gtweedy24 Nosy asses! None of your business  #private #shushitup'

She then scrolled through some more mentions, her face falling a bit. Some people were being rude again. 

"Baby?" Tre asked, making her look up. She shook her head, closing out Twitter and putting her phone in her pocket.

"Just people; I'm not gonna worry about it." she replied. Tre kissed her head, stroking her bare side where her jumper had moved up. Their flight was called so they all got up and went to board their flight. Once they were on and settled, Cheryl took Tre's hand and interlocked their fingers. 

"I love you, you know that?" she smiled up at him. He smiled back, lifting her hand and kissing it.

"I love you too, baby." he said. She giggled a bit, resting her head on his shoulder, playing with his fingers as they waited for take off...


Later in the flight, Cheryl couldn't really sleep so she was reading her mentions. She sighed to herself, thinking about how sick it made her that some people were being really rude. She bit her lip; it was time for a little twitlonger..

'Alright look, I'm saying this now and I don't wanna have to say it again. I don't give a sh!t if you don't like my boyfriend. If I tweet pictures of me and him, I'm doing it for not only my amusement but for the amusement of TRUE fans that actually respect him. Bottom line is: he makes me happy and if you were really a fan, you'd respect that and want me to be happy. Would you rather I be with some rich asshole that makes me cry all the time? Didn't think so. Just because me and my boyfriend are from different walks of life, it doesn't give anyone the right to disrespect him and make little rude remarks every time I tweet something about him or a picture of me and him. If you don't like it, then you can unfollow and cut me out of your life because I'm done. I've cried over it but now I'm just done. Now do me a favor and *Duck* off; stop making rude comments about the man that makes me happier than anyone ever has. It's uncalled for and it's disrespectful! Goodbye! Thank you! X'

She smiled to herself once the twit longer was done, then she stuffed her phone into her pocket. She took Tre's hand, getting his attention from his iPod.

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