Chapter 42

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*Few days later*

A few days had passed and now it was the day before the first show. They were already in Belfast, and this was the dress rehearsal. The dancers were about to rehearse again and Cheryl would be watching from backstage.

"Tre, please don't even attempt to backflip." she said, looking up at him. He laughed a bit, kissing her forehead.

"It'll be okay, babe." he smiled. She chewed her lips, looking at him.

"Tre." she said, tilting her head to the side, a wave of concern washing over her face.

"Don't worry, Chezzie. Go, finish with your costume fitting and all that." he said. He then pecked her lips whilst holding her hand, stroking it gently with his thumb. She giggled a bit, looking at him.

"Chezzie? Are you serious? You and Lils, I swear." she rolled her eyes, making him laugh.

"Lily calls you that too?" he asked.

"She says it sometimes; I think she does it to annoy me." she wrinkled up her nose, making Tre's heart melt because she was too cute.

"Aw baby, it's cute like you though." he stroked her hand again as she giggled.

"It's not." she replied before standing up on her toes and kissing him again. He kissed back, then let go of her hand and headed off towards the stage.

"Be careful!" she called after him. He gave her a thumbs up before going over to the other dancers. Cheryl watched them for a second, then went off to the dressing room to try on her costumes...

A couple hours later, Cheryl was all finished with her costumes. A couple of them needed to be tweaked, but other than that they were great. Since she was finished, she changed back into her tracksuit bottoms, Uggs, a white and black zebra print vest top and denim jacket. Since she wasn't up to much now, she decided to call her mother. After a couple of rings, she picked up... "Hello.."

"Hiya mammy." she said, twirling her hair around her fingers.

"Hi pet. You alright?" Joan asked, slightly concerned.

"You always think something's wrong when I call you." Cheryl giggled slightly, making Joan giggle as well.

"Well I never know with you. Anyway, seriously are you okay?"

"I'm fine mam, just wanted to chat."

And what's what they did. Cheryl leaned back on the sofa and pulled her knees up, chatting away to her mother about random things; the tour, the book, Girls Aloud's reunion, whether or not they were having a Christmas dinner. Of course, Joan had one very important question ask.

"So Tre, right..I know you've told me that you two were dating and all that, and I met him at your birthday and I do love him pet, but when are you bringing him to meet the rest of the family? Quite important that your dad meets him." she said. Cheryl sighed slightly, rolling her eyes.

"When we come to Newcastle, he can meet everyone else. You're all coming backstage so just meet him-" she was saying, but was cut off when Lily burst into the room.

"Cheryl, we've got a problem." she said. Cheryl sighed slightly and rolled her eyes. After a quick goodbye to her mother, she ended the call and slipped her phone back into her pocket.

"What's up, Lils?" she asked, standing up. Lily took a second to breathe, then replied with..

"Tre's hurt."

Cheryl's face fell and her heart dropped to her stomach. Tre was hurt? What?

"Wh-How?" she asked, walking with Lily towards the stage.

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