Part 84

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Part 84


After their bath together, the couple got out and dressed in their pajamas before cuddling up together. Cheryl was only wearing his t-shirt with nothing on under it and Tre was in his basketball shorts with no shirt on. They were silent for a bit, just enjoying each other as they played with each other's hands, gazed into each other's eyes, shared gentle yet passionate kisses; everything. Cheryl had never connected with anyone like this, and in just the short space of eight months, Tre had shown her more love than any other boyfriend she'd ever had.

"You know what, this is about to be really random so excuse me.." he began, seeing her nod so he carried on, "But you look incredibly sexy in my shirt."

"Aw well I try to keep sexy for you." she winked, making him laugh.

"Baby you always look sexy, even in your tracksuit with no make-up on." he said, pulling her on top of him. She rolled her eyes, snuggling into him with her legs on either side of him.

"Shhhhh." she giggled before kissing him gently. He gently stroked her sides with his thumbs, pushing his tongue into her mouth. She smiled against his lips before pulling away and pulling off the shirt. He smirked up at her before rolling them over so that he was on top, running his hands over her body as they kissed passionately. She pushed his basketball shorts and boxers down, then gasped as he pushed into her...


After a passion filled hour, the two both took showers then decided to go for dinner. Cheryl dressed in a pair of light blue skinny jeans, a grey long sleeved top, and a pair of grey snow boots; Tre dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans, a grey long sleeved top and a pair of grey and white Converse trainers. Cheryl didn't bother to put on much make up; she just put on a bit of mascara and some clear lip gloss. She brushed her hair out so that it was flowing down her back before pulling on her grey leather jacket.

"Ready baby?" she asked. He nodded, smiling as he pulled her close to him.

"Always ready for a night out with you." he winked, making her giggle. She pulled on her grey and white striped Beanie cap and grabbed her clutch purse, putting her phone in before holding his arm as they wandered out of the room. They got into the elevator and went downstairs, then wandered out and started walking down the street.

"So where we going?" she asked, holding his arm.

"There's a place right there a block down; you might like it." he replied. She nodded, giggling.

"It involves food; I'll be in heaven." she winked, making him laugh. They walked and talked as they made their way down the street, just enjoying each other and having a good time. They soon got to the little restaurant and Cheryl looked up; it was a little Chinese place.

"Ah how'd you know I was fancying Chinese?" she asked, looking up at him.

"Because you moaned about wanting a Chinese earlier on the way up here." he replied, raising an eyebrow. She pouted cutely, poking him in the arm before walking inside with him. They were shown to a table away from the windows, and once they were settled, they were given menus to look over while they waited for their wine.

"Ooh; it's only after eleven at home so I reckon I'll check on Garry." she said, pulling out her phone. She scrolled through and highlighted his name before sending a text.

<<Cheryl: G-Man! You good? I actually miss you; believe it or not -__->>

She put her phone down and looked through the menu some more, deciding what she wanted. The waitress wandered back over and put their wine down in front of them, then took their orders before picking up their menus and walking away. Cheryl snuggled into Tre's side, picking up her phone and seeing her new text from Garry.

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