Chapter 81

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Part 81


Later in the day, Tre was in the lounge playing video games with his cousins while Cheryl was in the living room, chatting this Shirley, Leslie, Tabby, and Tre's aunts, Rena and Angela. They'd been talking about general things; the weather, music, TV. However, now Cheryl was the topic.

"You know, I remember when Tre first came home after performing for you in England," Rena said, laughing a bit before going on, "He was grinning so much, and he was all;" she imitated Tre; "'Man; guys she's the most beautiful girl ever and she's so sweet! She kept checking on us and making sure we were okay, and she's just so sweet and pretty! No stars I've worked for have done that but her!'" They were all chuckling, even Cheryl, who was also blushing.

"I think our Tre fell in love with you two years ago, dear." Angela added. Cheryl giggled a bit, shrugging.

"He's probably one of the nicest dancers I've ever had, and bless him when I met him, he'd always ask if I was okay too. It's crazy; I met him the day my divorce was final and-" she was saying but Angela cut her off.

"Wait; you've been married before?" she asked. Cheryl nodded, her smile fading slightly. Tabby noticed this and put her hand on Cheryl's arm.

"Auntie Angie; she doesn't like talking about it." she said. Cheryl shook her head, smiling slightly.

"Nah babe it's fine; I've just written a book about it haven't I," she shrugged slightly before turning to Angela and going; "Yeah I've been married before; only once. I was young and in love and completely naïve."

"Oh honey; what happened?" Leslie asked.

"Cheated once with one girl, but I stupidly took him back then he played us and cheated again but with five girls." Cheryl explained, shrugging.

"Oh that's bad; whoa." Rena said. Cheryl nodded, shrugging slightly.

"Eh I know; but I am thankful in a way because if he hadn't hurt us then I wouldn't have learned and found out what real love was." she said.

"Bless you honey; I would have lost my mind. You're so strong." Leslie said.

"That's why she's my idol; because she's strong." Tabby said, cuddling into Cheryl. Cheryl giggled, cuddling her tight.

"Aw you babe; you fans make us strong." she said. Tabby giggled, cuddling into her some more. She loved having Cheryl around, and now Cheryl was more like her friend than her idol.

"Can you just marry my brother already please?!" she asked, making everyone laugh.

"Babe I've only been with your brother for eight months and after the experience I've bad, no wedding bells for ages." she giggled, nudging her. Tabby pouted, making everyone laugh again...


A bit later on, Tre's aunties Rena and Angela had gone and Tabby was upstairs having a nap. Leslie and Shirley had gone off to the church for a meeting, and Cheryl and Tre were in the house. They were upstairs having cuddles in bed.

"So the snow has stopped, so I'm thinking me and you can go out tonight." he said, smiling at her. She smiled back, stroking his cheek.

"Oh; where we going then?" she asked.

"Well;" he pulled her on top of him, smiling. "I'm thinking we go to dinner and the movies. Something good should be playing."

"Argh can we go see Les Miserables?" she asked. He nodded, kissing her forehead.

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