Chapter 5

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Two days go by and no word from Aahil, maybe he is busy or maybe he is keeping his distance…I don't think much of it. At breakfast Ammi informs me that my brothers and Armaan will be here by the weekend.

Here I was trying to get away from Armaan. I try not to give it too much importance although I know he is definitely going to work on my nerves by just being around.

Nani is still in hospital so Ammi and I are taking breakfast for her. We get to the car and Ammi realises she forgot her bag.

"I'll run up quickly and get it Ammi," I say nonchalantly.

"Don't worry beta I'll go get it," she smiles.

While Ammi was getting her bag I sat in the car playing with my phone, my phone beeps, it's Aahil,he messaged to find out how nani is doing and to see if I was free for lunch.

Me: "Hey dude,yeah I'm free for lunch and nani is much better, they going to discharge her by tomorrow Insha Allah."

Aahil: "That's good news, let's meet for lunch say around 1, I'll pick you up."

Me: "Yeah sure, see you later."

Ammi comes back and I tell her about my lunch plans, She doesn't say anything. The ride to the hospital was tense. Why was Ammi not speaking to me all of a sudden.

When we get to the hospital Ammi ignores me and talks to nani, when Ammi went to see the doctor, nani asked what was wrong.

"Whats wrong with your Ammi, why is she not talking to you?"

"I don't know nani, everything was fine this morning at breakfast and then she forgot her bag and went to get it, when she came back she was like this."

"Maybe she is just worried about me."


My Ammi comes back with Aahil, he came to visit nani. He gets talking to nani and Ammi tells me to go home.

"Ammi but I came with you," I say confused.

"Amu I said go home," she yells at me.

I don't ask any questions and take the car keys from her. I slip into the seat and close the door. As I start the car I get startled by the knock on the window.

"You okay Amu," Aahil ask gingerly.

"Yeah I'm fine. I don't know what's up with Ammi."

"She's stressed out maybe."

"Yeah and I'm her target."

"Amu don't take it to heart. Maybe give her some time, stay out of her way for few days."

"Stay out of her way, so now I'm the problem. Ammi told you that, didn't she, that's why you saying it right," I say warily.

"Amu no one told me anything, I'm just giving you advise."

I pull up the window and drive off. Aahil follows me honking the whole way for me to stop but I don't. We get to the beach, my favourite place to clear my mind. I park the car and sit there in tears, I hate when Ammi gives me the silent treatment and she usually does that when she's disappointed in me.

Aahil parks his car and comes to mine, he doesn't say or do anything, he just stands on the side of the car waiting for me to come out. I finally do after a good few minutes.

"You upset with me now?" he asks apprehensively.

I wrap my hands around his waist and give him a hug while I sob away. He puts his hand around my shoulders and returns the hug with his one hand on the side of my head.

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