Chapter 96

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"I somehow expected this. I knew you were confused and didn't know if you still wanted to be with me."

"Amu why do you twist everything? I'm not confused about us. I know exactly what I want. I'm confused because of your behaviour."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't think you know what you want and in the process you pushing me away."

"I never pushed you away, I'm here for two weeks now and have seen you for a total of 24 hours. Why is it that she has to get more time with you, she makes excuses or you just like it more with her?"

"It's nothing like that."

"Then why do I feel like I'm being put second?"

"I apologised for the airport, I'm not putting you second. You didn't want me around."

"Sometimes I feel like you don't care or maybe you have chosen to start a life with her. I'm not saying that's bad but let me know so I know my time is being shared and then be fair to both of us. Maybe I'm at fault."

"I'm not blaming you doll, okay let's forget it all and start over."

"I don't want to give you a chance to blame me again so I guess I have to agree with you to start over."

"Anyways I'm moving here soon, permanently, so we won't be having anymore of these problems."

"And her?"

"I found her a flat until the divorce is finalised, I handed her the papers last night."

"What! And she let you come here, she didn't throw a fit."

"I didn't tell her what was in the envelope, I told her to open it after I left."

It was already time for Fajr, with all the arguing we didn't realise how much time went by. I read my salaah and then jumped into bed.

Zayaan got on the bed and into the covers, he looked at me and then smirked. I knew that mischievous look he gave, he usually gives me that look when he knows he is doing something I don't like.

I didn't ask him to leave the room, I know he would get angry and he would blame me for pushing him away. I put some scatter cushions between us and turn around to sleep.

He comes closer towards me and puts his hand on mine, I hit his hand off and went back to sleep. It took me a while to fall asleep but I did eventually.

When I woke up Zayaan was no where to be found. The guard said he left just before 10am. I expected not to find him around so it didn't bother me much.

It's strange how I've adapted myself to live alone. I was never fully independent, at my parents I always had someone doing things for me, here I do everything on my own.

I heard the door bell ring, I grab my hijab and answer the door. It was Zayaan with a bakery box in his hand. He went to buy chocolate eclairs from my favourite bakery.

"Why did you ring the bell? Don't you have your own key?"

"It's just so much better when your gorgeous wife opens the door and you see her beautiful face."

"Trying to be sweet, interesting."

"I am sweet."

"You wish."

"What are you doing?"

"Preparing for lunch."

"Oh no you not, I got you your own staff so they will be taking over. I don't want you to exert yourself."

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