Chapter 23

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I woke up this morning feeling much better,  like a huge weight lifted from my shoulders. It was exhausting to be nasty all the time and now looking back I feel it was such a waste.

I took a nice long relaxing shower, got dressed and went downstairs. Fawaaz bhai handed me the letter that Aahil had left for me. I locked myself in the study and read the letter.


I just want to let you know I'm so proud of you, I have never been this proud of anyone. This is why any guy will fall inlove with you. I am so happy for you, words fall short to express how I feel.

I want you to always remember that I am always here for you. I hope that Zayaan makes you happy and that you learn to love him the way you love me.

Respect him and as you made me promise, you have to promise to be good to your husband, to love him and be there for him. Don't give him a chance to complain, love him with all your heart and love him unconditionally.

I love you yesterday, today, tomorrow and always.


I couldn't control my tears, they wouldn't stop, we both have sacrificed a lot, only we know what we going through. Its difficult to do what he has asked but I will try for him.

Bhabhi came to get me, my Abba wanted me to come to his office.This scared me, when we summoned to his office usually means it's serious. I knock on his office door.

"Abba you asked to see me."

"Yes come in. I found out what has been happening the past few days. Amaani I'm disappointed in you."

"Abba I'm sorry, I promise it won't happen again."

"I'm not the one you should apologise to, you should apologise to Zayaan."

There's a knock on the door, it's Zayaan, he was also asked to come to my Abba's offfice. My Abba calls him in and asks him to have a seat.

"Zayaan I called you hear because I heard how Amaani has treated you these few days. I find it unacceptable and she needs to apologise to you."

"I don't mean any disrespect sir but Amaani is not at fault. I have hurt Amaani and her reaction was normal. We have sorted out everything and we are okay with each other."

My Abba smiled at Zayaan, he was relieved that we sorted out our differences. We left the room and Zayaan sighs, he turns to me and smiles.

My brother's are sitting outside in the garden, I need to talk to them, they need to know my decision and they have to forgive Zayaan, hopefully things will go back to normal and they accept Zayaan as part of the family.

I asked Zayaan to give me some time to speak to my brother's and I will call him once they ready to patch up. I know they very protective over me so I'm a bit nervous.

"I need to speak to you guys, I have patched things up with Zayaan and I'm hoping you guy's will too. I have accepted that he is going to be my life partner so there is no use fighting it. In a way I have also cheated on him by not telling him about Aahil, I will tell him when the time is right."

"Do you realise what you saying? He is not the one for you, Aahil is," Zuhair says angrily.

"What if they was no Aahil in the picture, would you be saying the same thing?"

They didn't say much after that, I left them to ponder on what I said and hoping for the best. I know they will do what is right. We all know that Aahil and I being together is not even an option.

The Malik's left after lunch, my brother's haven't decided as yet to accept Zayaan as my partner. I hope that they do.

Aunty Hasina called to say they reached home safely. Zayaan messaged a few minutes after his mother called.

Zayaan: "Hey sweety, how you doing? Hope you missing me. Thanx for fixing things."

Me: "I'm good and you? You welcome, I wish my brother's can forgive you."

Zayaan: "Give them time, they just want what's best for you so they being careful and protective."

Me: "Okay, we will see. Anyways chat later got to go."

My grandparents were leaving tomorrow so we decided to take them out. It was nice to get out for a little while especially after the weekend I had.

I can't believe I'm engaged, I guess because I haven't been excited about it, 
which I dont think will ever happen although I have accepted that it has happened and this is now a part of my life.

We got home just after 11pm, I had a hectic day and all I want to do is put my head down and have a good nights sleep.

I went up to my room and realised I had forgotten my phone on my dresser so I check to see if there were any messages or calls I missed.

Fathima messaged to see how I was doing, Zafar told Mahek about Zayaan and I patching up so she messaged too. I don't know why but I expected at least a message from Zayaan.

I know he messaged earlier but maybe message to say goodnight or something. Maybe I'm expecting too much from him.

I changed into my pj's and slipped into bed, Zuhair bhai knocked on the door, bhabhi was with him. She spoke to him and he has decided to call Zayaan in the morning and apologise to him.

I'm glad he has taken this step forward, I just hope Fawaaz bhai and Zafar would do the same. I don't want them to always be hating Zayaan and then we end up getting married and my brothers and he won't be getting along. It will make our times together uncomfortable and unpleasant.

In a deep sleep I hear my phone ringing, I don't get up thinking I'm dreaming that it's ringing, until I realise it is actually my phone. I sprung up and grabbed my phone, it was Zayaan.

"Assalaam-u-alaikum love, how are you?"

"Walaikum Salaam, I'm ok and you?"

"I'm good, were you still asleep? You took quite long to answer."

"Uhm, yeah I was. Slept late last night."

"Sorry for waking you. I actually want to speak to you about helping me choose a house, I wanted to ask if you would come here for a weekend and we could go see some places."

"You should be asking my Abba that."

"I know but I wanted to know from you first and then ask Abba, I don't want to wait last minute to get a house. I want us to decide and then start buying furniture so after our honeymoon we can move in."

"I don't mind but ask my Abba first."

"Okay I will do. What you doing today?"

"Nothing much, maybe go out with some cousin's, I'm guessing you got work."

"Yip I got work, although I can't concentrate, all I'm thinking about is you, I'm seeing you everywhere that's how much I'm missing you. I wish you could be here right now."

"Sorry you have to work but some of us are just lucky."

"Yeah you won't be saying that once you start uni."

"Don't remind me. How's your family doing?"

"All good. They your family as well you know."

"Yeah I know, just have to get use to it."

"Take your time, I got to go I got a meeting in 5 minutes, will chat to you later."

He put the phone down before I could say anything to him. I got ready and went down for breakfast, bhabhi had already started on breakfast.

Zuhair bhai wanted to call Zayaan but I told him that the time was not right he was in a meeting. Fawaaz made a side comment about will the time ever be right.

When Zuhair bhai got back from work he said he called Zayaan and sorted out their differences. I was glad, I can't have my brother's hating my future husband. 

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