Chapter 95

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It's been a whole week and no news from Zayaan, I had my 11 week appointment which he missed not because I didn't tell him but he chose not to come.

I'm beginning to think that I've made a big mistake coming back. Zayaan doesn't seem to have time for me, maybe it's time for him to chose.

I know I asked him not to come for a few days but when I was ready for him to come back I did message him. I'm starting to lose hope on us ever working things out.

I've been cooped up in this house for just over a week, the only time I went out was for my doctors appointment. I didn't want to leave incase he came by.

My friends are going out tonight and have invited me but I'm so afraid to leave, I feel when I do and Zayaan comes I will be disappointed in myself for not being around.

Shiraz messaged one last time before they left, he was fetching Tasneem so he didn't mind fetching me. I couldn't bring myself to leave the house.

Aahil has been keeping my family updated on how I am doing but haven't told them the whole truth. I don't want my brother's to worry about me, I know they won't be happy.

I needed to get some new clothing since most of my things were starting to get small for me, I decided to go to the mall quickly and get what I needed.

I rushed at the mall afraid of missing Zayaan at home. As I was shopping an idea popped up, I haven't seen Zayaan's parent's since I got back, I wanted to meet them and that way I would get to see if Zayaan was okay.

I contemplated if I should go to them or ask them to meet me at home. I called Ammi (Zayaan's mum) to let her know I was on my way.

"Assalaam-u-alaikum Abba."

"Walaikum Salaam beta, how have you been? It's so nice to see you."

"Bhabhi… bhabhi… bhabhi… we missed you so much. I can't believe I'm seeing you here," Tabassum says excitedly.

"I can't believe you dared to come here," A voice said from behind.

I turned around to see who it was, Raeesa and Zayaan were walking down the staircase hand in hand. I ignored them although I could feel my heart being pierced.

It's evident that they were happy together and I am being made a fool off. I felt that I had no importance in Zayaan's life and all he was interested in was his baby.

Zayaan and Raeesa left, he told Abba he was going to be late and they shouldn't wait up for him. I felt a tear threatening to come out but I wiped it away before anyone could see.

I sat for a little while since I knew Zayaan wasn't coming to see me. I knew now that I had to speak to him and let him know that I'm not some kind of property that you buy and then desert.

What has happened to the man I married and love so much? Where is all the love for me that he once had, was it all a facade? Did he do it all just for the business deal?

I had so many unanswered questions, I am confused, afraid and disheartened. I don't know what I should be doing next. I got home and crawled into bed, I just wanted to lay there and try to relax my mind.

I jumped up in shock when the house phone rang. I fell asleep and didn't realise the time, I thought to myself who would call this time of the night. I looked at my watch and it was pass midnight.

"I'm outside, can I come in?" Zayaan asks nonchalantly.

"It's your house you don't need permission."

I got up and went to freshen up before Zayaan could come upstairs. At first he didn't come to see me, I heard him move things around in our room. I decided to go get something to eat.

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