Chapter 9

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Yesterday was awkward, I avoided any contact with Aahil the whole day. This morning there was a knock on my door, I was busy getting dressed at the time.

Knock knock.

"One minute, I yelled out."

I went to open the door, it was Aahil standing there with a smirk on his face.

"Can I come in please? Don't worry your brother is gone out with some of the other guys. He won't be back for a few hours."

I let him in and pluck myself on the bed, Aahil comes to sit close to me not too close but close enough for me to hear him click his finger against his watch.

"About yesterday,  Mubashir bhai is right and so were you but in my defence you never gave me an answer whether you felt the same about me."

"Aahil please stop there. Theres not…." Before I complete my sentence he interrupts me.

"Just hear me out first and then you can kill me later. I know both our parent's have the same school of thought. If we confess our feelings we will have to get engaged and married soon. I understand you want to study first and I'm fine with that. We also not allowed to date because firstly it's against our religion and second it's not something our parent's would allow and I know how against it you are. All I'm trying to do here is to make sure you know how I feel and if you feel the same we can speak to our parent's and ask them to give us the time we need. At least until you start or maybe if you want finish your first year. I don't want to lose you to someone else because you know it as well as I do that once Fawaaz is married your parent's are going to be looking for a suitor for you if they haven't already started looking. So what you say?"

I ask him for time to think, I need to clear my head and think about what I'm getting into and obviously I need to figure out how I feel. Not long after Aahil leaves my room Mubashir comes knocking on the door.

"Come in," I say nonchalantly.

"So have you forgiven my brother?"

"He didn't ask for forgiveness."

I tell Mubashir bhai everything that Aahil said and he feels that I haven't discovered that I have feelings for Aahil. He asked me all sorts of questions about how I felt about seeing Aahil with other girls and the effect it has on me. That's when I realised I do actually have feelings for Aahil. I just never admitted to them. Wait no what am I saying I don't have feelings for him. I wipe out the idea and chase him out of my room.

I make my bed, take my phone and march downstairs for breakfast, as I enter the garden I'm  met by all the other guests. I scan to see where Aahil is and surprisingly I see him sitting with his cousin's and no Layla. He looked at me, smiled and signalled for me to sit on the table next to his.

I walked down the aisle and sat at that very table, I wasn't in a mood for breakfast all of a sudden. I played with my phone when Imaan came to sit next to me. I sat facing Aahil so I saw his face turn sour when she sat down. He chased her away and came to sit next to me.

"You not having breakfast?"

"Nah I'm not liss," I groan.

"Okay so have you thought about what I said?"

"Aren't you rushing me?"

"Okay sorry, what was Mubashir bhai telling you?"

"He just came to see what you were doing in my room and he gave me some advise."

"Oh cool. So what you want to do before lunch some of the guys are going to the mall but I don't want to go so I'm free."

"It's your brother's wedding, day after tomorrow, shouldn't you be helping him or do something here?"

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