Chapter 34

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I jump out of bed as my alarm rings for the 3rd time, I look at the time on my phone, it's 10:30. I had 30 minutes to get ready, I was meeting Fathima at the mall.

I can't believe I overslept, all thanks to Mahek for keeping me awake until 3 this morning. I barely woke up for fajr, Fawaaz bhai had to wake me up twice.

Things haven't been so great the past few days, the weekend was the worst. Suhail bhai had a talk with Papa the night Zayaan and I spoke at the bowling alley.

My Abba was not very pleased that I discussed my problems infront of everyone. He said I am being stubborn and if I think that I can free myself from this union then I'm mistaken.

Zayaan had asked me to go with him to his town to look at houses but I refused to go, I was least bothered about what he wanted.

I got ready and went to the mall, I didn't inform anyone about my plans today. I was tired of everyone else having control on my life so I decided for today I would control my day.

Fathima was already waiting for me at the mall, we shopped a little and then went for lunch. I kind of envied her today, she kept talking about Zunaid and how things are going for them.

I somewhere in my heart wished that I could have what she has. I wish I could be with Aahil, my life would be perfect and I would be happy.

I didn't say much to her because I had no happy stories to tell. Every day in my life has been turned into a nightmare. As we were having lunch Zuhair bhai called.

"Assalaam-u-alaikum Amu. Nani and Nanu are here, they asking for you."

"Okay bhai will be home in few minutes."

I finished up, paid the bill and went home. I drove into the drive way and suddenly realised that there were so many unfimiliar cars parked off. Fearing that something might have happened I rushed into the house.

Bhabhi was standing in the hallway so I walked up to her to ask, she was in tears so I asked her what happened. She said that the Hamidi's were here, they brought Nani and Nanu.

"Bhabhi why you crying? It's just Nani and Nanu."

"Amu, Uncle Umar told us now that they have fixed Aahil's wedding. He is getting married Amu."

"So that's good bhabhi, why you crying about it."

"Oh Amu, I love you, you know that."

Just then Aahil walked in through the front door, I looked at him smiled and congratulated him. There was this awkwardness between us, I didn't know if I should hug him or shake his hand.

He smiled, said thanks and walked away, what I didn't know at that time was that his fiancé was in the living room with everyone else.

I pretended that everything was normal until I walked into the living room to greet everyone. Aunty Ayesha introduced Seher, Aahil's fiancé and her parent's. 

I greeted them and then walked out of the living room. I ran up to my room, shut the door and burst into tears. For the first time I felt the hurt that Aahil felt.

I never thought I would see this day, I always told him to move on but I never expected it to happen so soon. I didn't think that he would really move on, I don't know what I expected.

I sat there knowing that now my life is destroyed, now I understand the things he did and why he did them. He was acting out.

I feel bad for making him feel that his love is worthless, for making him feel useless and making him think that he doesn't deserve my love.

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