Chapter 117

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Five days and still no news of Zayana, I am beginning to think we never going to find her. No call from the kidnappers or any new development from the police.

Zayaan and I have been on edge and have been fighting everytime we have a conversation, so we stopped speaking to each other.

My inlaws arrived yesterday,  I could see the disappointment on my father inlaws face. Everytime someone looks at me I can see and feel that they blaming me.

It is my fault, Zayaan is right I was careless and this is where it got me. I should never have left the house. Non of this would have happened if I didn't leave.

I sat in the same spot for the past few days, waiting for answers, Fathima has been coming everyday to give me company since no one wants to be around me.

I don't blame them, I haven't been very pleasant to be around. There's not a person I haven't been rude to or chased out of the room.

She seemed to be the only person who didnt look at me with pity and didn't blame me for what happened.

Today was probably the worst for me, the noise that came from downstairs disturbed me more today then it ever did.

All the shouting, the phone ringtone, the sound of buttons, pens clicking, I could suddenly hear every single noise.

I was sitting in the room and suddenly heard Zayana cry, I sprung up and ran towards the sound of her cry but the direction kept changing and everytime I got there she wasn't there.

"Amu she's not here, you just imagining her cry," Fati said.

"What's happening?" Zayaan asked Fati.

"She is hearing Zayana cry but it's just her imagination. She has to speak it out Zayaan, why don't you try speaking to her?" I heard her say to Zayaan.

"Anything we say to her she turns into an argument how are we going to speak to her."

"That's because you all blaming her, it's not her fault and don't look at her like that."

"Like what?"

"Like that what you doing now, you looking at her with pity and blame, it's like you looking for the answers from her and feeling her sorry at the same time, she needs all the support, she is a mother who's baby is missing. Instead of you and her family standing by her side you guys are fighting with her and blaming her."

"Make it go away Fati, I can hear her but why can't I see her, my baby… I want her back… Fati I can't live without her," I shouted out as I fell to the floor holding my ears for Zayana's cry to disappear.

Zayaan ran to me and hugged me, holding my head to his shoulder trying to comfort me. I pushed him away and stood up.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I lost your princess, you right I'm the one to blame for her disappearance. I could never be a good wife and I'm not a good mother. I think it's time to accept she will never come back."

"Doll you not in your senses right now, you don't know what you saying, let's go inside and rest for a little while. You also haven't slept in days."

"Zayaan is right Amu, come we go inside."

"Stop it will you just stop it, I know exactly what I'm saying, it's been so many days and we haven't even gotten a call from the kidnappers, they don't want our money Zayaan they wanted my baby and now they have her."

"Amu don't give up so soon, we will find her."

"When Zayaan, when will you find her?"

"I don't know but I won't give up so easily," He said as he walked out of the house.

Fati took me up to my room and left me there, she said she would be back soon. I waited but she never came back, I fell asleep and when I woke up Zayaan was by my side.

"What you doing here?"

"Where else would I be?"

"You didn't want to be around me earlier, so I didn't expect you here."

"I was wrong Amu, forgive me for that. I didn't understand what you were going through and I was selfish. I only thought about myself, I couldn't stand to hear that Zayana was missing and I blamed you although I said it's not your fault I did somehow end up blaming you."

"But it is my fault, I couldn't take care of her."

"It's not your fault and we going to find her soon, the police have some leads and we got a call from the kidnappers earlier."

"You serious? Where have they kept her, how is she?"

"We don't know as yet but we will know soon."

I didn't want to get my hopes up but now I know we have a better chance of getting our baby back. Things were not so great between me and everyone but that didn't matter right now.

There was a knock on the door and as the door opened there stood a figure, I turned to look at the door way to see who it was, it was Fawaaz bhai.

"Amu are you okay, we just heard now what happened."

"Bhai, they took my Zayana, I want her back bhai, please get her back," I said between sobs as he hugged me.

"Make dua Amu, Allah (SWT) is always there for you, remember the Almighty will never burden you with more than you can handle."

Abba let you in?"

"No one saw me come in, I wanted to see you and no one was going to stop me."

Zayaan left us to be alone, he knew I wanted answers from my brother, even if the time was not right but it would somehow make me feel better.

"Why did you leave bhai?"

"It was getting difficult Amu, Nosheen doesn't understand and neither does our family. She doesn't want Zuhair bhai to take over but she doesn't understand that I don't want to do business, I want to be a doctor. Our family doesn't understand that I love her and married her, I can't just leave her because she wants more for me. That's all not important right now though, how are you holding up?"

"I miss her, I just want to have her in my arms again. I want to see her infront of myself."

"Soon she will be with you and all this will seem like a bad dream."


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