Chapter 118

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​This morning the kidnappers called again, this time Zayaan heard their voice, when they called the first time Zuhair bhai spoke and Zayaan wasn't around.

He recognised the voice and they linked the kidnapping to the case Zayaan was busy with now. Apparently they know Zayaan has solid proof to put the guy away and they don't want that to happen.

After the kidnapper called Zayaan received a few calls from someone saying that if he takes the case he won't see Zayana again.

Zayaan said he heard Zayana cry in the background. A lady was trying to calm her down and then the caller shouted at her to keep Zayana quiet.

I hate this feeling, hopelessness. There's nothing I can do to bring back Zayana. The police have been working round the clock and no luck.

We all hoping that this new lead brings back Zayana. The police are busy planning to ambush the kidnapper but they are still busy trying to locate the kidnappers.

I was sitting on my bed sobbing and waiting for my daughters safe return. Zayaan came to sit next to me and laid his head on my chest.

"I promise we going to get her back doll, I won't let her stay with those creeps for another day."

"I just want her back but don't do anything stupid, we can end up losing her forever."

"That's never going to happen."

"We need to speak about what's going to happen when she comes back."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not responsible enough to be alone with her, I lost her once I don't want to take the chance."

"Don't be silly Amu, you her mother, no one besides you can take better care of her."

"I'm not so sure about that, do you really want to trust me with your daughter?"

"She is our daughter and yes I trust you with her. There's something I have to say to you as well."

"What is it?"

"Remember the girl we met at the airport, I really don't remember her but yes back then I did attend few parties. Raeesa was, well still is the party type so I was mostly forced to attend. I had no intention of hurting you but I'm not very proud of the person I was when I was with her, that's the reason I didn't want to tell you about it."

"Why are you telling me this now? It doesn't matter anymore Zayaan."

"Because I don't want us to have anymore problems. I want the old us back, there were no secrets, no staying away from home for few days because we angry with each other or just avoiding each other."

"Zayaan not now please, I really only want Zayana back right now, nothing else matters."

"I know Amu, I also want her back and we going to get her back today."

"Don't promise that, it's five days and the only lead we have is that it's linked to your case."

A few hours went by and there was still no news. Zayaan had disappeared with a police force team and I sat there eagerly waiting to hear that my baby is safe and with Zayaan.

It was becoming torturous, I felt numb and at times terrified. Time passes like an eternity, all our family and friends were by my side, Tasneem, Shiraz, Aadil and the rest of the gang including Jameel and Laila flew in to support us and help where they could.

I couldn't figure out why couldn't we find Zayana, we had made it news within 24 hours, there were flyers handed out and posters put up everywhere.

The search teams have been at it for days and still with all the force we not finding my child. Was this man more powerful than a mother.

I felt like I had to do something and waiting around wasn't an option anymore. Everytime I tried to do something someone was there to stop me.

Zayaan had ordered everyone to watch on me since I was ready to take on this kidnapper on my own if I had to. He had no right taking my baby away from me.

As I was walking out the front door I heard Zuhair bhai's phone ring then he scream out to me.

"Amu! They found her, they found Zayana, she is okay and with Zayaan."

Filled with so many emotions, I didn't know how to react. Everyone started cheering and screaming. I started shaking and scream out " they found her."

They were taking her to the hospital just for a routine check up but I wanted to be by her side. I couldn't stand being apart any longer so Zuhair bhai drove me to the hospital.

After we enquired at reception and the nurse showed us the way I couldn't bare the wait anymore. I just wanted my eyes to see only one person and that was Zayana.

The lift doors opened and I spotted Zayaan standing and talking to a doctor, my eyes searched my surroundings for my baby but I couldn't see her anywhere.

I ran to Zayaan but before I could ask him my eyes fell onto the beautiful baby, my beautiful  baby Zayana lying on the bed asleep.

She was crying uncontrollably and with all the check up they had to sedate her, the doctor informed me that she would be awake in an hour or so.

I was just relieved that my baby was infront of me. They allowed Zayaan and I to stay with her until they were ready to discharge her.

Zayaan wrapped his arms around me embracing me into a hug. He looked at me with a smile on his face and flattered his eyelids implying that everything was going to be okay.

"I told you that I would bring her back today, I kept my promise."

"Thank you and I'm sorry I doubted you."

"Now we just need to get her out of here and back home. I'm never letting the two of you out of my sight again even if it means I have to leave my job and stay at home."

"That's not possible Mr Malik, you the owner of the company, you have to be there and besides how are you going to afford such an expensive wife and daughter?"

"I'm so happy to have you back doll, some days I thought I was losing you. You became a different person in these past few days."

"I'm sorry for that."

I will be posting tomorrow as well, there will be two posts tomorrow, as all good things need to come to an end so does this blog, tomorrow will bring that ending to the blog.

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