Chapter 65

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The gleam of light shone in through the gaps of the curtains, fresh sunlight hitting me, I opened my eyes and see Zayaan about to kiss me on my forehead.

"Hey doll, how you doing? Hope you slept well."

"Hey babes, Jee I slept well thanx. You showered already? How long are you awake for? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Slow down with the questions, I'm not awake long, I woke up and went straight to shower and then came to you."

"Okay babes, give me 15 minutes to get ready and then we can plan our day."

I quickly took a shower, when I got out Zayaan was nowhere to be seen, I got dressed and went downstairs to look for Zayaan. He was in the kitchen making breakfast for us.

He made pancakes and coffee for us. He said it wasn't a big breakfast but it was just to get us started for the day before we went shopping. I didn't want him to make breakfast, it felt weird that my husband was making breakfast for me but I must admit it was nice being spoilt.

After breakfast Zayaan and I went to do some grocery shopping. His assistant kept a few things he told her to get in the pantry but he wanted me to buy what I want and we needed fresh produce as well. 

I have been to the malls here before so I knew my way around, I told him I would manage on my own thinking it would probably be boring for him to do grocery shopping but Zayaan really enjoyed it.

We were done early so I insisted we go home so I could prepare for lunch although he insisted on eating out, at the end he won and we went to a nice cozy restaurant for lunch. While we were having lunch Zayaan informed me that we are invited tonight to his friends house.

When we got home Zayaan said that he left a surprise for me on our bed. I unpacked the groceries and then went up to see what was the surprise. On the bed was a note which said I should look at the back of the door, I looked there and found a beautiful blue and white evening dress.

Zayaan walked in just as I put the dress down, He came closer towards me and put his hand around my waist. He looked me in the face, he smiled and then gave me a peck on my forehead.

"What was that for?" I ask shyly.

"Just like that."

"Babes we got a problem, you know I don't wear such dresses, I prefer…"

"Yes my jaan, I know but I don't want you to wear it for the world, I want you to wear it for me on Thuraday night."

"What's happening on Thursday?"

"When Thursday comes you will get to know."

"Okay, what time is the dinner tonight?"

"We leaving at 6pm, they very simple people so I'm sure you will love them. My friends name is Raheem and his wife's name is Habibah, They got a 6 month old Muaaz, he has been very sickly since birth."

"Oh shame, why did they take the trouble to invite us, they should be taking care of their child."

"I told Raheem the same thing but he insisted so I couldn't refuse."

"It's okay we will go. I just hope they don't go out of their way for us."

I called Ammi before I could get dressed, I was worried about Abba. I know he hasn't been taking care of his health and he probably is upset and taking it out on everyone.

"Assalaam-u-alaikum Ammi, how are you?"

"Walaikum Salaam, I'm okay beta, how you doing?"

"Alhamdulillah Ammi. How's Abba doing?"

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