Chapter 11

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Everyone had already left to go for go carting so we decided to just chill at home, they came back a few hours before the function. My Ammi called to inform us that my Abba has arrived and we will be seeing them tonight. It's just a couple hours before the function, everyone is gone to their rooms to get dressed.

I got dressed and went downstairs to see what was left to do. My parent's had arrived already, I greeted them and then we sat outside chatting. My Abba told me that before he leaves he would like to speak to me, which gets me nervous.

I message my brother to let him know our parent's are here and he should come meet them. Fawaaz comes down, my Abba and him get talking about business. Uncle Umar call my parents and Aunty Ayesha to the study so they could speak without any interference.

I sat there anxious, this could be the beginning to good things or the end of my love story. I was nervous because they were in the study for over an hour. Most of the guests have arrived, Aahil finally comes down and I tell him what's going on. He is excited and doesn't seem as concerned as I do at the amount of time they discussing this.

He seems so relaxed and not nervous at all, I sat there looking at the study door. When will it open and we get to hear the good new. I sigh with relief when the door finally opens but I'm left confused because non of our parent's look happy. I knock Aahil on his leg to indicate to him that they done.

"They don't look like they happy," I say apprehensively.

"It doesn't look good babes, what are we going to do?"

"I don't know, it was your brilliant idea to fall inlove with me and make me fall inlove with you."

The function starts as soon as the brides family arrives. First dinner is served and then the bride-to-be and groom-to-be are not allowed to see each other so they have the ladies function in the living area and all the men are sitting in the garden area.

After all the fun and dancing, which kind of made me forget about everything else, the guests were served refreshments. Once the brides family left Uncle Umar called us all to the living room. The guests that were staying at the house were all gone to their rooms.

My heart started beating fast, my hands became sweaty and I did the nervous tap with my leg. Uncle Umar stood by the window looking out,  My Abba, Ammi and Aunty Ayesha sat on the sofa. We stood behind the sofa waiting to hear what they had to say.

"I have been informed that Aahil and Amaani wish to be together as well as their plan to wait a little until they get married. I'm glad that Amaani chose Aahil but we sitting with a problem, I have already fixed Amaani's alliance with someone. This is what I was going to tell Amaani tonight before I left."

My heart stopped beating, I looked at my parent's with dissatisfaction. I could see the despondent expression on my Ammi's face. She didn't look at me once, she kept her head down. Aunty Ayesha sat there with tears in her eyes.

There was complete silence in the room, I didn't look at Aahil, I knew he was heart broken and if I looked at him I would probably have been in tears. Aunty Ayesha walked up to me and held my hand.

"I wish things were different but timing was not in our favour. I would have loved to have you as my daughter. I guess Allah had different plans" she said.

She walked out of the living room, Uncle Umar told Aahil to go to his room, my parent's need to speak to me. I didn't want to hear anything they had to say, although they are my parent's and I love them I hated them a little now. Aahil, Mubashir and Uncle Umar left the room.

My Abba asked Fawaaz bhai to leave as well, he refused at first but left anyways. Now I stood in the room all alone, facing the worst time of my life with no one by my side. My Ammi signaled for me to take a seat next to her, I didn't refuse and sat where I was told.

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