Chapter 93

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Zayaan went back home today, we had a bittersweet few days but at the end we came to an understanding and that's all that matters. All I want is for Zayaan to be happy, I know he is when he is with me but I don't want him to be troubled because I'm a part of his life.

I know Raeesa is not going to make it easy for us to be together but we need to ignore her efforts to separate us and we will succeed. It sounds easy I know but time will tell. Zayaan called me when he landed, he was going straight to his office to file for a divorce.

Tabassum called me when she heard that I was coming back. She was disappointed when I left especially when we found out that I am pregnant. It was really nice speaking to her after a hectic few days, she always cheers me up.

Papa invited us for a braai at his house, all Abba's family were there, no one spoke about Zayaan and I, but I could sense the pity and the looks were the worse. Asma Chachi told me not to worry about people because they always talk.

I kept myself busy most of the time so I didn't notice people and it didn't bother me. I'm really thankful to be blessed with such wonderful sister-in-laws, they both are so supportive. Fawaaz bhai took me home earlier than everyone else, he saw how uncomfortable I was.

I woke up feeling tired and dragged myself through the morning, I was literally eating for two people. I don't know why but I always felt like eating, I'm eating healthy but more often then usual. I'm not a person to snack throughout the day but I found myself always with something in my mouth.

"Why is it that everytime I see you, you eating something? Don't use the excuse that you eating for two," Zafar says jokingly.

"Shut up! Go do something constructive with yourself, whenever I see you, you sitting around," I hit back.

Ammi walked in and shouted Zafar for troubling me. Nani and Nanu were arriving today, they wanted to spend time with me but I'm leaving tonight so will just be able to spend a few hours with them.

I'm apprehensive aswell as anxious to be going back. I don't know what to expect, Nani says I should take each moment as it happens and I shouldn't worry too much about what is going to happen.

Speaking to Nani and Nanu gave me a little courage, I wish I could take them with me, they always make everything so much easier. Zuhair bhai and Fawaaz bhai dropped me off at the airport, they were both very sad that I was leaving, they didn't say a word to me the whole way to the airport.

The flight finally landed, I grabbed my bags and went to look for Zayaan. I couldn't find him anywhere. I waited an hour, trying to call him but he didn't answer my calls. I decided to call Aadil to fetch me, I didn't even know where I was going.

Aadil suggested I stay with them but I didn't want to impose or get his family involved in my life drama so I opted for the hotel. I didn't inform anyone at home that Zayaan didn't fetch me and that I was staying at the hotel. I didn't book in at one of our hotels because I knew my family would find out.

Aadil invited me for dinner but I was in no mood to put anything down. I was outraged that Zayaan didn't bother to fetch me and he didn't inform me that he was not going to make it.

I unpacked my bag, changed into my pj's and then jumped into bed. Zayaan messaged me to apologise saying he had an emergency. I was still so angry with him that I decided that I wasn't going to tell him where I am, I didn't bother to reply either.

I couldn't sleep through the night, I kept tossing and turning. I felt very restless like I was walking into a very dangerous place. I decided to sit up and rather pray then worry. Soon it was Fajr so I took out my musallah and made my salaah.

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