Chapter 108

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I am conscious, though my eyes aren't open. I don't want to open them. Opening them would be admitting the happenings of yesterday. Which seem so terrible, opening my eyes would be admitting that was real. 

I laid in bed thinking of ways to avoid any confrontation with Fawaaz bhai or Nosheen bhabhi, which seemed impossible. The house is still full with guest and will be for few days.

Zayaan's parent's and the Hamidi's will only be leaving on Tuesday. After last night I wasn't sure how I was going to keep such a big secret from my family and how these next few days are going to be.

When I finally opened my eyes I realised that Zayaan was not in the room. I got out of bed, took a quick shower and got dressed. Everyone was already at the breakfast table when I got there.

"You look like you didn't get much sleep again Amu."

"Jee Ammi same story again, looks like I'm never going to have a full night sleep again."

"Oh yes dear, once the baby comes you can forget sleep," Aunty Ayesha said casually.

The topic at the breakfast table was babies, we spoke about baby products, baby habits, fusses, sleeping paterns, routines. I think the men were getting annoyed at how much baby stuff we spoke about.

After breakfast everyone got busy cleaning up the mess from yesterday. I decided to sit in my room avoiding any contact with Fawaaz bhai or Nosheen bhabhi.

I was dozing off when I heard someone knock, I grabbed my hijab and then answered the door. It was Aahil staring at me with his sparkling beady eyes.

"What?" I asked confused at his expression.

"Why are you hiding?"

"Me! Hiding! From who?"


"I'm not hiding, I never slept last night so I'm resting and for your information I was dozing off before you knocked."

"Oh! I'm sorry. But you know you don't have to hide, we did nothing wrong, the ones who did wrong should hide."

"Aahil I'm not hiding. I just don't want to be anywhere near them because I might just say something that will let out the secret. Infront of everyone especially my inlaws I don't want to create a scene."

"Amu how long are you going to stay here, don't be silly and spend time with your family, with your inlaws. We all siting in the living room waiting for you."

"Okay give me a few minutes I'll be there just now."

"We waiting."

I freshened up and joined everyone in the living room. Zayaan came to help me sit on the couch putting a pillow behind me and making sure I was comfortable.

"Ooff ho, so much care for the wife," Nosheen bhabhi said.

"Offcourse bhabhi, he is my husband so he has to take care of me."

"Amu you need anything?" Nuwal bhabhi asked casually.

"No bhabhi thanks. Come sit with us all and leave the kitchen work."

"I will come just now let me just finish. Want me to make anything for you?"

"No bhabhi I will eat whatever you made, anything you cook is amazing."

"Thanks Amu," Bhabhi said and turned to walk out of the living room.

"Bhabhi wait let me come with to help you."

"Don't be crazy Amu, just sit there and enjoy the company."

So much has changed in this house it's unbelievable. Ammi was always strict with Bhabhi in the kitchen, food had to be prepared on time and we all had to help.

Ammi herself would help bhabhi unless we had guest or one of us were sick but here Nosheen bhabhi seems to be in charge of everything.

Strange that Abba never said anything to her, I mean we have a houseful of guests and Ammi and Bhabhi are working in the kitchen. Yes we have kitchen staff but we do all the cooking.

I was annoyed with just being infront of Nosheen bhabhi, she was a totally different person. I couldn't just sit there and let Nuwal bhabhi do everything so I went to the kitchen anyway although she warned me not to.

I picked up the knife to cut the vegetable when bhabhi stopped me. She took the knife out of my hand and told me that she would manage.

"Bhabhi what is going on here? Why is Nosheen bhabhi allowed to enjoy herself and not you?"

"Because we all weren't brought up spoilt."

"Bhabhi when you got married you knew everything but you had to change your ways and adjust and learn to cook how Ammi cooks. So why can't she learn?"

"I don't have answers Amu, all I know she made such a fuss to do work that Ammi and Abba told her not to do it."

"So everyone must do for her but she can't do for anyone. I'm going to speak to Ammi about this, it's not fair."

"Amu please don't your bhai and I don't want to cause any problems, we are already being accused of wanting the business all for ourselves and after what I heard last night I don't want to be near her."

"What did you hear?"

"Forget it Amu, don't get involved in all this."

"Did you hear her arguing with Fawaaz bhai when they were in the passage?"

"Did you also hear them? Amu please don't say anything to anyone," Bhabhi said hysterically.

"Bhabhi I'm not the only one who heard, Aahil and Zayaan heard them aswell."

"Oh no, we have to tell them not to tell anyone, especially your Zuhair bhai, I just got him to agree to stay here."

"What! Bhai wanted to move? And leave Ammi and Abba, what happened to we always staying a joint family?"

"Amu when new people come in our lives not only do they have to compromise but so do we. I guess you can say we all had to compromise."

"I can't believe she changed so much, I can't stand to be infront of her."

"Amu she is your bhabhi and you should address her as such, don't lose respect for your relation with her just because she doesn't respect us. It's okay if she thinks we bad, she has the freedom to think as she pleases."

I can't believe that bhabhi is so forgiving, maybe to keep the peace in the family she has forgiven Nosheen bhabhi. Whatever the reason is I don't think I would be so forgiving.

I helped bhabhi finish up and then we joined everyone else in the living room. I couldnt speak to Aahil and Zayaan so I messaged Aahil and Zayaan to let them know that Nuwal bhabhi also heard Fawaaz bhai and Nosheen bhabhi and that she asked us not to tell anyone or react.

The both looked at me and smiled acknowledging Bhabhi's request. The conversation was really interesting for our parent's because they were enjoying making fun of our childhood.

I admit it was amusing listening to everyone else's stories but when it came to mine I didn't appreciate some of the stories that were being told especially infront of my inlaws.


Happy womans day to all you lively women out there.

Thank you to all my regular readers and voters. I just love you all.

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