Chapter 57

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Bhabhi came to call us for lunch, I wasn't in the mood to eat,  maybe I was still in shock but I couldn't bring myself to believe that Aahil could do such a thing.

It somehow felt wrong to even think that he would do something so bad. Hiring people to kill someone, all for what? Because that person is marrying someone you once loved.

If he is getting married to Seher, he had to forget loving me, so why would he do such a thing. We both have moved on and we are happy, he wanted me to move on so why.

I had no answer to all my questions and this made me restless. I was getting annoyed at home but we were requested not to leave the house.

I couldn't do much with my arm and no one is allowing me to do anything. I feel so useless, bored and irritated. I've been sitting in my room changing tv channels whole day.

Zayaan has been giving my grandparents company, I sat a little with them but I got annoyed with Zayaan. Just him being infront of me made me think about what he said.

How could he even say that I am still inlove with Aahil? Is he still inlove with Raeesa? Raeesa was a girl he was dating in college, they fell inlove but for some reason their families didn't agree and they had to separate.

There was no bitter break up or any hatred between them, so it's obvious he still loves her. What is happening to me? My life feels like it's falling apart.

Few weeks before my wedding day I find out my fiancé is still inlove with his ex. How do I live with this especially now that I've fallen inlove with him and he knows, before it was different I didn't know I loved him and I didn't mind him having someone else in his life.

How do you live with someone who you love but loves someone else? How was Zayaan going to live with me? Now I realise how difficult it was for him knowing that I was marrying him and that he loved me but I loved someone else.

Maybe it wasn't as difficult for him as it is for me because he still has feelings for Raeesa. He didn't fully understand, it's no use moving in circles. I will have to speak to him and get answers from him.

I sent Zafar to call Zayaan, I needed to know before we start our new chapter in life, what if we have made the wrong decision? If he still loves Raeesa and she loves him then they should be together. I don't want to be in the middle of them.

"You called for me doll, you okay? Is your hand troubling?" Zayaan says concernedly.

"I'm okay, my hand is fine. I called you for something else."

"What's wrong?"

"I need to clear things before we move forward and do any further wedding plans. I need to know if…"

"If it's about Raeesa then you got nothing to worry about. I don't love her, it was a long time ago doll. It was not the same as my love for you, I was young and silly. I mistook her feelings as love but she took me as a ticket to richness. I have hated her since the day I found out, one of the reasons I never mentioned her."

"Babes I was told something else. I was told that she loved you and still does, she hasn't gotten married because she is waiting for you, for your families to accept your relationship."

"What nonsense? I heard she was married, she got divorced."

"Maybe she got divorced because she still loves you."

"Too bad, it's her loss. I love you and will always only love you. Doll please do not try to push me away again. I don't want anything to do with anyone else besides you and our families. I do not love anyone else besides you. What do I have to do to assure you that I love only you?"

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