Chapter 98

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Zayaan arrived with my parents, he has been at the hospital all this time. I feel guilty for judging him but circumstances have made me always think otherwise or maybe even suspect him.

The next few days have been an emotional roller coaster for the whole family, everyone having their moments. It hasn't been easy on Ammi and Nanu.

We've decided that Nanu will be staying with Ammi and Abba. Ammi has decided to go and sort out Nani and Nanu's apartment and then sell it.

Abba doesnt want Ammi to sell it, I agree with Abba, that house has sentimental value to all of us and we can still use it when we go on holiday. Nanu hasn't said anything about the house, he has left the decision completely to Ammi. 

Zayaan and I left to go back home, it's been two weeks since Nani passed away. I still feel the emptiness, like a piece of my heart is missing something.

Jameel and Laila were here when we got back. Jameel Informed us that Raeesa has been making stories about us. She feels that I am forcing Zayaan to divorce her.

If only she knew that I encouraged him to treat the two of us the same and to accept her as his wife. I was willing to leave my child without a father to give her a family.

If Zayaan had not as yet given her divorce papers and had not made a decision as yet, I would have definitely spoken to her.

Zayaan and I went out for lunch, he insisted on us going out so I could cheer up. I was miserable leaving my family behind. My thoughts were only about them.

While we were having lunch Aadil called to let us know that Raeesa was outside our house with her lawyers. He was driving pass and saw her trying to attack the guard. 

When we got home she was still outside, I didn't want to confront her so I asked Zayaan to drop me off at Tasneem's house.

"Assalaam-u-alaikum, it's so nice to see you after so long."

"I hope you don't mind, Raeesa is waiting outside our house and I didn't want any confrontation so I asked Zayaan to drop me off here."

"Of course I don't. I'm really sorry to hear about your granny."

"Remember her in your duas."

"Insha Allah. So why is she here?"

"I don't know. We were out when Aadil called."

"He must have saw her when he was going out."

"How's the preparations for this weekend? Are you excited?"

"Everything is done, I just need to pick up the engagement ring and then I'm set. I think Shiraaz is more excited then I am. Plus we not seeing each other for this week so he isn't doing too well."

"Shame I can imagine, I know how he can't live without speaking to you."

Zayaan messaged me to say he was going to the office to sort out this problem. He didn't say what was wrong and I didn't ask. I feel the less I know the better, that way she can't point fingers at me.

I was going to take a walk home but Tasneem refused to allow me to walk so I ended up waiting until Aadil got back so he could take me home.

When I got home I was to exhausted for anything and went straight to bed. I don't even know when Zayaan got back. I woke up for fajr and found him laying on the chaise lounge with a paper in his hand.

I read my fajr and then couldn't sleep so I got busy in the kitchen. I baked scones for breakfast and a few other things to take to Tasneem's house. With all the visitors, I thought it would come handy.

"What are you doing?"

"Assalaam-u-alaikum, slept well?"

"Walaikum Salaam, yes I did but you didn't answer my question."

"Do you want some breakfast now or you want to first shower?"

"Doll stop avoiding my question, I told you before that I don't want to see you working. We got kitchen staff so order them around."

"I'm not sick, I'm pregnant. I told you this before, I like doing it myself."

"I'm not going to argue, just make sure the staff are here to help."

"Okay boss."

"So what do you want do today?"

"I want to stay at home."

"So boring, let's go out, maybe to the mall or the beach? How about a picnic?"

"How about a no."

"Please doll. We haven't had time to ourselves in a long time."

"Babes going out is not time to ourselves, there will be people around. At home we will be together alone."

"Okay fine we will stay at home."

"Don't be upset, I promise you won't be bored and later we can maybe go to the mall for dinner."

"Now that's an idea."

We didn't get much time to ourselves though, we had non stop visitors, first his parent's came then Jameel and Laila and some of his work colleagues and my friends. I guess this is why Zayaan wanted to go out.

Before we left the house to go out for dinner, Raeesa called him. He looked annoyed and I didn't want to listen to the conversation so I went to the kitchen and waited for him.

When he was done he said he had to leave, I expected it so I wasn't going to argue with him. I just said okay and went up to the room, I sat there reading my book and waiting for him.

I waited until I fell asleep waiting, when I woke up for fajr he was not in the room. I made my salaah and then went back into bed.  I thought to myself that he probably stayed over by her.

I couldn't fall asleep again so I just sat in bed waiting to hear from Zayaan. At around 7am I heard the door open and two people's voices. I got out of bed, threw over an Abaya and hijab, I stood by the railing waiting to see who it was.

All I heard was, "she is not going to go without a fight, she wants your property and money. We need to think about this properly, you have a wife and soon you will have a child."

I told Zayaan that this would happen, he thought she would just sign the papers, people like her can never leave without destroying your life.

I was never after Zayaan for his estate so if she takes it all it won't affect me but I know he will not just sit back and dish out his belongings to her.

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