Chapter 66

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Zayaan was still asleep, I decided to take a quick shower and get started on breakfast. Zayaan walked into the kitchen just as I finished with breakfast.

"What special is my wifey making?"

"Nothing special just toast and tea, this is for someone special."

"Oh so I'm not special, I see, we have to do something about that so I can become someone special."

I was busy making tea for Zayaan facing the counter when he walked around the counter towards me, he slipped his hand around my waist and gave me a hug.

"Zayaan what are you doing?"

"I'm romancing with my wife, I'm trying to be that special person she cooks for."

"My love you are that special person, now go wash your hand and come eat."

We haven't seen Zayaan's parent's in two days so I asked him to take me to see them, he didn't want to go at first but I told him that I needed something from his Ammi, that's only when he agreed.

When we got there we saw Nafeesa sitting in the living room. I was stunned, she was never allowed in this house before, Zayaan was even more shocked that he didn't think how he was speaking and asked her what she was doing here.

"Amaani beta, how you doing?"

"Assalaam-u-alaikum Ammi, Alhamdulillah I'm doing well and Ammi?"

"I'm good beta, I hope you settled and like the house."

"Jee Ammi, although…"

"Yeah go ahead and make me bad again, tell Ammi how you would have preferred to stay with her and Abba," Zayaan interrupts.

"Yes you took away my chance of living with my family. You making me stay in that house alone."

"Amu, I told you…"

"I know, I know."

"Don't fight with my daughter, Amaani beta don't take Zayaan seriously, he only wants what is best for you."

"I know Ammi."

"Ammi what is Nafeesa Apa doing here?" Zayaan asks nonchalantly.

"Your Abba called her, I don't know why."

Just then Abba walked in, he called Nafeesa and Zayaan to his office. I went with Ammi to help her in the kitchen, although she refused. We started speaking about our dinner with Raheem and Habibah.

Ammi said that Zayaan knew that Ammi didn't like Raheem, she told him many times to stay away from a person like him. Zayaan doesn't have many friends so the ones he has, he holds onto.

While we were busy in the kitchen we heard Zayaan shouting, I ran out of the kitchen to see what happened. Just then Zayaan and Nafeesa came out of Abba's office, Nafeesa was in tears and Zayaan looked furious.

"What happen beta?" Ammi asked warily.

"Ask that man how can he be so cruel? He tried to buy my sister just so that she stops seeing us. He thinks she is the problem, he has a problem. Tell him that I'm not losing my sister," Zayaan yelled out.

"Zayaan calm down, maybe you got it wrong, I don't think Abba..." I tried to say.

"Go ahead and take his side but I promise you if you do, you can stay here with him, there's no need for you to come home then and for what are you interfering?"

"Zayaan! Is that how you talk to Amaani? Apologise to her," Ammi yells at Zayaan.

"It's okay Ammi, I shouldn't have said anything, I'm an outsider so I have no right to say anything."

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