Chapter 7

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The past few days have been hectic, rounds to the hospital and back home have been exhausting. I've  managed to keep my distance from both Aahil and Armaan. I need to focus on my career and making my family proud, I also don't intend on harming my families reputation.

Aahil hasn't come over for a few days now, he came with his mum to the hospital once but that's the last time I saw him. My nani is out of hospital and doing much better, we are going back home today, Ammi will be staying behind to look after my nani.

I'm glad I can finally get back to my normal life which before I wanted to get away from but ended up into a bigger mess. I wish things could go back to how they were before they got complicated and I can carry on with life.

I spoke to bhabhi and she advised me to focus on my studies and make sure I'm stern and make it clear to both guys that I'm not interested. She knows that my Abba will get me married off as soon as he hears that these guys are interested in me.

My Abba got a call this afternoon from Aahil's father, Aahil's eldest brother Mubashir is getting married this weekend. My Abba won't be able to make it because he and Zuhair bhai are going on a business trip, bhabhi can't leave the house and Zafar is writing exams so that leaves Fawaaz bhai and I which I hate.

I try and get out of it but Abba has refused to listen to any excuses and says I'm doing nothing so I have to go. Bhabhi said I should just go but be on guard so I guess I'm going.

We leave in two days so I have to mentally prepare myself. I decide on what clothes I will take with and helped Fawaaz bhai pack his bags. I decided to go out with Fathima for a movie and maybe ice-cream after.

Me: "Hey sexc chick, wanna go for a movie and ice-cream later."

Fati: "Nah I don't wanna go with you, you bore me… pick me up at 3pm."

Me: "Shut up…"

I dress into my blue jeans and a grey and purple top, I inform bhabhi that I will be going out for a few hours and then slip into my car and drive to Fathima's house. I hoot three times before she comes out.

"What took you so long? Your neighbours must be thinking I'm crazy."

"I forgot to tell my mum that I'm going out with you so I had to convince her."

"You such an idiot."

"Yip your idiot."

"Hehe so funny," I say sarcastically.

We get to the mall, decide on a movie, the movie was not playing for another 30 minutes so we decided to walk around the mall. We bump into Fathima's boyfriend, yes she has a boyfriend. I am totally against it but it's her choice, her parent's allow it so she thinks it's okay.

He greets us and then gives her a hug, she knows I don't approve of him so she makes her meeting short and meets me at the cinema hall afterwards.

"Why can't you just be more hostile around Zunaid?"

"Really you asking me this after knowing how I feel, you know it's haraam to date."

"Oh please don't start that lecture again."

"You know what let's just enjoy the movie and forget about you and Zunaid."

We go into the theatre and take our seats, we don't say a word to each other through the whole movie. After the movie we decide to go home, I drop Fathima first and then go home. I know she's upset but I know she knows I'm right.

I get home, everyone is sitting in the living room, I greet them and go upstairs to my room. Fawaaz bhai comes up to my room, he knows something is wrong. We very close and we tell each other almost everything, I say almost because I haven't told him about Armaan and Aahil.

"What up sweety," Fawaaz bhai asks gingerly.

"Nothing bhai, just tired."

"Amu you can't hide from me I know when you lying, you know you start tapping your hand on the side of your leg when u lie."

"I just hate when Fati and I argue especially when it's about her boyfriend Zunaid, she feels I should be more friendly when his around."

"What were you doing with him in the first place?"

"We went to watch a movie at the mall, we booked the tickets but still had some time before the movie started so we went to one of the nearby stores and he was in the store."

"Amu maybe you should distance yourself from Fathima, you know if Abba found out she has a boyfriend he will not let you two be friends. Speak to her and if she values your friendship more she will give up this guy."

"Thanks bhai. Maybe I will do that."

Fawaaz leaves the room leaving me reminising what he said, maybe he's right and I should give it a try, so I messaged Fathima.

Me: "Hey, I'm sorry for fighting with you. Look this is always going to be a problem for us so we need to come to some sort of solution. This may not seem like a big thing to you but it is to me, if my parents found out they would not let me speak to you ever. So if our friendship means anything to you please consider sacrificing your relationship for our friendship. I know it's harsh but it's a request. Love you. Amaani."

She didn't reply to me for days, it bothered me alot. I realised that she probably chose Zunaid over me and I had to start accepting that. He had become more important to her than I was and this hurt me.

I sat the next two days moping around, Fawaaz reminded me today that we leave tomorrow for Mubashir's wedding. I completely forgot about it and now it was haunting me. How was I going to deal with Aahil, I had to think of something and soon.

I spend the rest of the day in my room thinking about what I'm going to do, I needed ideas and I couldn't even ask my best friend for help because she was angry and probably didn't want to be my friend anymore.

"Amu come down for dinner," bhabhi yells out.

Everyone is already at the dining table, Abba and Zuhair bhai left this morning for their business trip. Abba had given Fawaaz bhai instructions about the wedding and what we would have to attend, bhabhi got the gift from Abba and Fawaaz bhai got a lecture about taking care of me.

Bhabhi knew I was not excited to go on this trip, she spoke to me earlier and told me to keep my distance especially since Fawaaz bhai will be with me. I will have to keep myself occupied and stick to Fawaaz bhai like glue. I don't know how I'm going to manage but I have no choice.

We have dinner and then bhabhi tells us to all get into bed early because we got a big day ahead of us. The driver will be here early in the morning, our flight is at 11am, we will be staying at Aahils house.  Although it's at the coast and we can stay at my grandparents, Aahil's father insisted we stay with them and Abba agreed.

I'm nervous to stay in the same house, maybe that's why I've been worried all this time. I pray that everything works out for the best and Allah won't give me more than I can handle.

I sat in bed thinking maybe it won't be so bad and I'm definitely not going there and spoiling my time, I will make the most of this trip and enjoy myself. One person is not ruining my weekend.

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