Chapter 82

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Today we made really good progress, I was really excited I actually jumped up with joy. For the first time in days Zayaan has finally managed to hold a spoon. I called Ammi immediately and gave her the good news.

I asked my family to stop coming to the hospital, for no reason they all come here everyday and have to sit in the waiting room. Zayaan doesn't remember any of them so it's no use.

Zayaan was making great progress and if it continued like this soon he would be home. My one worry is that if he doesn't remember me by then I might lose him. I will have no excuse to be around him once he leaves.

I spoke to his doctors and they said that we will have to take him to his old life to help him remember his new life. It's a huge risk, there is no guarantee that he would remember me. Raeesa came in the afternoon with her parents, they were just as cunning as she is.

They made it a point to always put me down, I decided to leave the room since I had no one to defend me while I was repeatedly insulted. I was starting to lose hope that Zayaan would ever remember me.

Yes he flirts with me and talks to me nicely, he respects me but just as a doctor and another female to him. He doesn't have feelings for me, all his feelings have died. I can't stand to be around Raeesa, I hate it when she comes.

Today I was feeling very depressed, I was not in the mood for anyone. I decided to ask the physiotherapist to see to Zayaan for today. I couldn't be anywhere near him. I sometimes felt like shaking him hoping that would make him remember me.

I locked myself in my room, I didn't want to see anyone or speak to anyone. I was in no mood for lectures and advise from everyone. I know they only want to help but it can be annoying when you hear it alot.

I got a call from the hospital, Zayaan refused to work with the physiotherapist and he got angry and started to throw things around. Fawaaz bhai and I rushed to the hospital, Jameel and Laila were already there trying to calm him down. 

"What is going on here?" I asked as I walked into his room.

"Why were you not here? You know I can't stand a day without you? I will only do physio with you," Zayaan yells out.

"Enough! You can't always get your way by throwing things around. You might be rich and you can replace all the damaged things but is this really the way to behave?"

"Then what do you want me to do? You the only one…" I interupted him.

"Until you behave I will not be doing any sessions with you," I said and walked out.

Jameel and Fawaaz bhai followed me, I sat down and calmed myself down. They just stood there waiting for me to say something. I was exhausted and drained emotionally and physically.

"Amu I don't think you should have reacted that way."

"Bhai I'm tired, I can't handle this anymore. Maybe I should just leave and go back with you guys."

"Bhabhi don't say that, I know that it's a difficult situation but you can't give up."

"Jameel would you be able to watch Laila with someone else? If you can then you can ask me not to give up."

Before I knew it both families were at the hospital. Fawaaz called everyone and told them that I want to leave so they rushed to the hospital. I wasn't ready to face anyone, I had no answers and I couldn't see the look on my inlaws face hoping that I would help their son.

Ammi sat next to me and held my hand, I looked up and saw everyone standing around me. I stood up and looked at the questioning look on all their faces.

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