Chapter 47

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The Malik's joined us to the hotel, my Abba booked a room for them to freshen up before dinner. I shared my room with Tabassum and Zayaan joined Fawaaz bhai and Zafar in their room. I took a quick shower and got dressed, I left Tabassum in the room and went to speak to Zuhair bhai and bhabhi.

I don't know if bhabhi spoke to Zuhair bhai as yet but I have to know what is her plan. What did Zuhair bhai tell Zayaan and why am I not involved in it all. I knocked on their room door and then opened the door.

Bhabhi was still in the shower, Zuhair bhai was done and waiting for her. This gave me a chance to speak to Zuhair bhai alone.

"Bhai, I'm really sorry that you and bhabhi witnessed what happened at the beach today. I feel so embarrassed, I warned Zayaan before but he doesn't listen to me," I say gingerly.

"Amu, I've been meaning to speak to you but your bhabhi decided to do something else. Wait for tonight after dinner then you will get to know what we have planned."

"Bhai please don't do anything. Let me handle my relationship with Zayaan on my own."

"Amu, we just want to help. We see the two of you struggling and if we don't do anything now, I'm afraid you never going to be happy. I know you want to deal with everything on your own and I know you capable of doing so but we all need a push. Your bhabhi and I also needed a push and someone was there to give us that push. So we know what we doing."

"Okay bhai but at least let me discuss it with Zayaan first, I don't know if he will be happy with this."

"I've spoken to Zayaan already. He has no problem."

So Zayaan has already agreed to have Zuhair bhai and bhabhi intervene. I guess I will just have to see what happens. I'm a little afraid, I just hope everything goes according to their plan and not backfire.

As I came out of Zuhair bhai's room, I saw Zayaan come out of Fawaaz bhai's room. He was looking really good, I love when his hair is still wet. Oh gosh, what am I saying? Who am I kidding? I find Zayaan really sexy, any girl would go crazy for him.

I didn't want him to notice me smitten over him so I quietly walked towards my room. When I got to the door, Tabassum was coming out of my room, she handed me the keys and went to the room her parent's were in. She wasn't very comfortable with my family as yet.

I looked at my watch, we still had 30 minutes before dinner. I decided to pray my Maghrib salaah and then go down for dinner. I have been neglecting my salaah since we got here and I've been feeling so guilty about it. I've tried my best to pray all but I've missed two so far.

After I prayed my salaah, I decided to go to the restaurant and wait for everyone. I opened my room door and there he was standing tall infront of me. Zayaan was just about to knock on the door.

"How did you know I was at the door?" He asks nonchalantly.

"I didn't, I'm actually heading down to the restaurant."

"We can go together then."

"Did you want to speak to me about something? I'm sure you didn't come to my room just to see me and hang out."

"Sarcasm… I guess I deserve it. Look I came to speak to you about what your brother and bhabhi got planned."

"I know already. I also heard that you okay with them intervening so what can I say. I told them to let us sort out our problems on our own but since you gave your consent we will go with what they say."

"Amaani, I didn't want to offend them, they just trying to help."

"I know."

"So why you upset?"

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