Chapter 89

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It's been two weeks since I'm back home, it's been difficult to walk out of the house but Aahil has been a great support in helping me get my confidence back. I met with Fathima and Zunaid yesterday, it was so nice to see them.

I am so ashamed that I had judged Zunaid without getting to know him. He is such a kind hearted person and so sweet. He really treats Fathima like a queen. I enjoyed spending the afternoon with them.

When I got back Ammi said there was a package that arrived for me, she left it in my room. Zafar and Aahil were busy moving my furniture the way I wanted it when I got to my room. The package was on my bed, I sat down and opened it.

It was from Zayaan, he sent a note as well as books on pregnancy. I didn't think anything of it and quickly opened the envelope to read what he had to say.

"My dear doll…

I woke up this morning with a smile on my face, I opened my eyes and there I was next to the wrong person. I am really sorry for all that I put you through.  Ammi told me everything, how you spent day and night by my side. How you didn't give up on us until I gave up on us.

We need to meet, I would like to come see you this weekend please call me and let me know if you would give me a chance or not.

Ammi also gave me the news that we going to be parent's. Congratulations to you. I love you today as much as I did before. Please forgive me.

Lots of love

The letter left me in tears, Aahil and Zafar stood there looking at me wondering what had happened. Zafar picked up the books and envelope looking for a clue.

"Amu what's wrong?"

"He remembers, he wants to come see me, he remembers me, he remembers everything."

Zafar ran downstairs to call Ammi, he probably didn't know how to handle the situation. I didn't expect him to I probably wouldn't have known either.

"Babes are you okay?" Aahil asks gingerly.

"Aahil how can he remember now when it's too late. What does he want to come and talk about?"

"I don't know Amu but I think you should let him come and hear him out."

"Aahil is right maybe he wants to make things work between the two of you, it will be good for your child," Ammi says.

"He can't expect me to take him back, not after he has been with her. Just the thought of it gives me chills."

"Amu we not saying you must take him back or think about it now but atleast hear what he has to say."

"Ammi why did he have to remember now, couldn't he remember earlier! What does he expect now that I accept him with open arms when he is already with another woman."

"I'm sorry my bachi I don't have the answers to your questions only he does. Speak to him, let him come for the weekend, if you don't want him to stay here then tell him to book out but don't live in regret."

"I'll think about it."

"Okay beta, sit here with Aahil I'll have Nosheen send you some coffee."

I sat on the bed with so much going through my mind. I needed to make a decision and before the weekend. I don't want him just pitching up unexpected.

"Aahil what do you think I should do?"

"Tell him to come and hear what he has to say. Amu I think you should consider going back with him. Don't get me wrong it's just that I know you very well. I know that you won't marry again and you will be happy with your decision but your child will be left without a father."

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