Chapter 67

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We meeting Zayaan's friends for lunch today, he told me a little about his friend before we left to meet them. Irshaad and Khadija are married for four years and have no children as yet, Tahir and Nilofa are married for two years and have a eight month old, Zayaan is close with both Irshaad and Tahir.

Zayaan  wanted me to spend time with them although they came to our wedding. He said that they were the friends he hangs out with alot so I needed to fit in with them. I felt like I didn't have a choice and no matter how I felt I had to accept them.

We got to the restaurant and Zayaan spotted his friends. They waved at us so we could see where they were, Zayaan looked at me and smiled. He looked really excited about me meeting these friends of his. I got the feeling as if what they thought mattered to Zayaan.

I was introduced to everyone and then we took our seats. They seemed really warm welcoming people. I noticed Nilofa kept looking at Khadija and pointing at her hair, I don't know if she was bothered that I wore hijab and they didn't. 

It bothered me that they would do something like that and think I wouldn't notice. Since this meant alot to Zayaan and I promised him that I would try to fit in and mix with them, I ignored their childish behaviour.

The men got busy talking about sports and cars, Khadija and Nilofa spoke about people they only knew. I just sat there like a lost soul, waiting to be found. I was annoyed that Zayaan didn't even notice that I was sitting alone.

The waiter came and took our orders, Zayaan turned to me and smiled then continued with his conversation. It was like I wasn't even there, how was I suppose to try to fit in if my own husband didn't acknowledge my presence.

The only time everyone spoke to me was when Irshaad turned to look at me and teased Zayaan, that was once we were done with our meals.

"Zayaan I must say you have chosen a beautiful wife for yourself but Amaani I must ask what did you see in our brother here?" Irshaad asks nonchalantly.

"I was paid to marry him so I didn't worry about his looks."

"Very funny Amu, why don't you tell them how you fell for me."

"I would but I think it would bore your friends, you boys seem to be interested in only talking about cars and sports and well the ladies here are too busy gossiping about people I don't know," I say irritably.

"Amu that's not fair, we have been invited here and my friends have been nothing but good to you," Zayaan says firmly.

"It's okay Zayaan, not everyone is going to like us," Tahir says with a smirk.

"So what do you do Amaani?" Nilofa asks casually.

"I'm going to study medicine for now and then see where that takes me."

"Planning to finish your husbands money," Khadija taunts.

"No, actually…" I mutter.

"I'm not paying for her studies but even if she does finish our money she has a right to, but she wouldn't do that because she knows how to pick up her own expenses," Zayaan says firmly.

"It's okay Zayaan, you don't have to get upset, they just casually asking and I guess they think I deserve their hostility because I pointed out their faults."

"Doll they can ask casually without taunting at you."

"Zayaan take it easy bro," Tahir says warily.

"Zayaan why are you getting upset, we should be getting upset, your wife insulted us and our wives and you didn't say anything," Irshaad points out.

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