Chapter 62

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We had a khatam in the evening, preparations were going on since this morning. Everyone had something they were busy with, Abba had his cousins also do something even if it was a small job. After breakfast Ammi and bhabhi got busy in the kitchen preparing for lunch.

Abba and Zuhair bhai made sure that everything we need for the khatam was here, blankets, Yaseen's and Quraans and so on.

Fawaaz bhai and Zafar both had classes today so they were not around. Because of the noise in the house Fawaaz bhai has been going to Suhail bhai's apartment to study after university.

Zayaan and his family are in town, they have booked a farm house not so far from ours, from tomorrow we will be having all our functions at our farm house so they wanted to be close by since they will have to come over for the mendhi and Sangeet. 

Unfortunately Zayaan won't be allowed to come to any of these as the mendhi and haldi functions are just for woman and we not allowed to see each other. He is really disappointed that he is not allowed to come.

Everyone is excited, the wedding vibe has certainly hit the house. There is so much of noise which reflects the joy that everyone is feeling, whether it's because they meeting someone after a long time, reminiscing a wedding or just being apart of the wedding preparations.

I packed my bags today, it was tough to pack my room into bags, I have so many memories in this room and an attachment even if it's with the furniture. Ammi checked to see if I had everything and then had my bags sent to Mariam Apa before the khatam

After Maghrib dinner was served, by the time everyone ate it was already time for Esha. Before Zuhair bhai left to the masjid he called me to his room and handed me an envelope.

He said I should open it anytime after the wedding, I was really eager to open it and see what was inside, I couldn't feel because it was in one of those envelopes with the bubble wrap inside.

I put it safely away and went down to the living room. Everything was ready for the khatam,  the men went for Salaah to the masjid, when they got back we started the programme.

The ladies started with Yaseen khatam, my brother's friend Hafez Ismail read Qiraat and my cousin and the moulana from the masjid read naats.

The programme was so beautiful, I surely felt blessed. After the khatam refreshments were served, Ammi asked me to go sleep, it was past 11pm and she knew by the time everyone left it would be very late.

I laid in bed thinking of Zayaan, I'm missing him alot, his voice, his smile, his crazy laugh, his soft hands and that weird feeling I get when he is near me, when he calls or even when I see his name on my phone screen.

I fell asleep thinking about Zayaan and woke up this morning thinking about him. He probably has been having hiccups the whole time but what can I do, I just miss him so much.

After breakfast I asked bhabhi to call him and see if he was okay and if they are managing at the farmhouse. We moving to the farmhouse today, Bhabhi and Ammi have been busy sorting out all the things that need to be taken to the farmhouse. 

We leaving after lunch so we have enough time to prepare for the haldi this afternoon and mendhi tonight. I love mendhi functions but I don't know if I'm going to enjoy mine with mendhi on my hand.

Once everything was packed and checked, Bhabhi served lunch and then we left for the farm house. Once the haldi is applied to me I am not allowed to leave the house.

As soon as we got to the farmhouse and once everything was unloaded we started preparing for the Haldi ceremony also known as peeti. The function was at 3pm so we had very little time.

We had 15 minutes before guest could arrive, for this ceremony Ammi told me I had to wear yellow and could not wear any jewellery so I wore a yellow sari with silver work on it, flowers were used to represent jewellery.

Soon all the ladies arrived to the farmhouse and the men went to the hall, bhabhi had set up for them refreshments. As soon as Zayaan's Ammi, sisters and some family from his side arrived, Bhabhi came to fetch me from my room.

The haldi was brought from their family, I had to sit on a small square table and my inlaws and my family anointed me with haldi. After the haldi was applied I was asked to have a bath while the rest of the ladies were entertained by a small show put on by the young ladies of the family. 

After I had a bath I joined the rest of the ladies downstairs. We having all the functions in the house because from now I'm not allowed to leave the house, not even to the adjacent hall.

Tabassum called me to the room downstairs, she said she had something for me so I followed her.

"Bhai sent this for you Bhabhi, he said there's a letter you must read and if you can reply and send it with me and there's a gift in the box, he wants you to wear it on your wedding day."

"What's in the box?"

"I don't know Bhabhi, I was just told to tell you to wear it on your wedding day."

"Okay thank you. Don't forget to come take the reply letter from me."

"Okay Bhabhi."

As soon as Tabassum left the room I opened the gift box, there was a lovely white gold bracelet and then I opened the letter Zayaan sent.

"My love…

Words can't express how much I'm missing you, I think I'm going crazy because I've started to see you all over like this morning when I came out of the shower, I saw you in my room sitting on the chair and smiling at me.
I sent you a small gift to express my love for you and to show you how eager I am to marry you. Please wear it on our wedding day. I've engraved something at the back, it's our wedding date and our names.
Wish I could see you or hear your voice. Can't wait for Tomorrow. I love you."

I decided instead of writing my reply I would make a voice recording and send it to Zayaan so I called Tabassum and recorded my reply on her phone.

"Babes, Thank you for the gift I love it, I'm missing you too and yes you are crazy. I'm not there but you seeing me, I think we need to have you checked by a psychiatrist. I can't wait to see you. Tabassum said you were not feeling well this morning, please dont have cold things and look after yourself. I love you too."

I wanted to jump for joy just reading his letter, I can't believe he thought about writing to me and the gift is such a great idea, I just love it. I'm sure Zayaan is going to enjoy hearing my voice.

Bhabhi came to call me, Ammi wanted me to go to my room and rest before the mendhi function. Fathima came up to give me company but she kept herself busy speaking to Zunaid. I don't know why she is still with this guy, I know she loves him but he runs away everytime she mentions marriage.  

Ammi had dinner sent up for Fathima and I while the rest of the guest ate in the hall. Bhabhi came up to help me get dressed for the mendhi function. I wore a green and pink lengha choli for the mendhi.

Once I was dressed Bhabhi walked me downstairs were all the ladies were seated, as soon as I walked into the room the music started.

I sat on a chair on the small stage that was made up just for me and the lady who everyone calls the mendhiwali applied mendhi to my hands and feet. Before she could apply, Ammi, Bhabhi and Zayaan's Ammi had to apply a little to my hand.

From the first tube of mendhi a little is taken out and some of my cousins had to go to Zayaan and apply a dot on his palm. I don't know if he knew this before but I know he hates the smell and the sight of mendhi.

The ladies danced and sung songs while mendhi was being applied, we had another lady who applied for the other ladies.

Tomorrow is our wedding day, luckily it's an evening wedding so I can rest during the day although I'm not sure if that will even be possible. Sleeping early tonight is definitely not an option.

Once everyone left it was past 1am, my brother's, bhabhi, Fathima and I were all hungry so bhabhi brought us some goodies that were left from the function.

We sat up for two hours talking about our childhood and all the mischievous things we got up to. All these functions reminded us about Zuhair bhai's wedding time.

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