Chapter 112

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Soon we were home, in our own house, for months this home didn't feel like my own, today when I walked in I felt that I was meant to be no other place then here.

It finally felt like home again and we finally felt like a family. We were so long at my parents that I felt we were beginning to be in the way, especially with Zayana.

Once we were settled, Zayaan made himself comfortable on the bed with his princess who was wide awake and all smiles for her Abba.

Zayaan refused to listen to anything about me cooking and wanted to spoil us to a good restaurant meal. I just wanted to stay indoors but he wasn't hearing anything from me.

After our lovely meal we decided to take a walk in the park with Zayana. When we returned home Aadil and Tasneem pulled up the driveway.

"It's so good to see you guys."

"Well sorry but we never come to see you. We came to see princess Zayana," Tasneem says with a smirk.

"Oh I see, well here take her, she's asleep now but you can wake her up."

Once we got into the house, I made coffee for everyone and then joined them in the living room. Zayaan and Aadil were talking law while Tasneem was trying to wake Zayana.

This was my chance to find out from Aadil what is going on between him and Raeesa. At first I didn't know how to bring up the topic but I heard him and Zayaan speaking about the divorce.

"So how is your girl Raeesa?" I asked nonchalantly.

"I don't know."

"What you mean you don't know?"

"A week after the divorce I told her I'm not interested in her."

"What! But why would you do that?"

"Because I really am not interested in her, it was all part of the plan."

"So Zayaan you knew about this and you let it happen!"

"No he didn't know, it was a plan that Aahil and I came up with. We knew she wouldn't give Zayaan a divorce if she didn't have another person to trick so we tricked her."

"Poor thing, how could you do that to her, she must be heart broken."

"I don't care and I don't believe you feeling her sorry after all that she did."

"That's Amu for you Aadil, she will never harm anyone but will let someone else harm her."

"It's not that Zayaan, I would feel bad if it was anyone, not only her."

"Whatever it is, it's in the past and I'm just happy we got rid of her. Now we can live happily and be happy with our friends."

"Zayaan I can't believe you supporting this, you have a daughter of your own, imagine if someone did that to her."

"Oh come on Amu, Raeesa got what she deserved," Aadil said abruptly.

"And Amu my princess is not going to get married."

"So what is she going to spend her life alone?"

"No, she will have you and I."

"Okay stop all this Raeesa talk, I didn't come here to talk about her. I want to enjoy with my friends." Tasneem said with a raised eyebrow.

Not long after our little discussion the rest of the gang arrived and so did Jameel and Laila with Tabassum.

I couldn't stop thinking about Raeesa, how has she been after finding out that Aadil was playing her and that he did all this for me.

I can't accept that she has accepted this defeat and moved on. I can't help but feel bad for her. She must have also developed feeling for Aadil and to be rejected just like that.

Everyone stayed for dinner so we ordered pizza's. The boys were talking sports and cars while we were talking about babies and studies.

Laila thinks I should go back to studying but I'm not sure I'm ready to leave Zayana. A few minutes away from her when I had to see the doctor at my parents seemed like torture although I knew she was in good hands.

Zayaan says I never will be ready to leave Zayana with anyone, he doesn't want me to sacrifice my dream and career but now that I'm a mother it's different and I don't mind.

I can study something from home, I don't have to do medicine, I tried explaining this to Zayaan but he refused to listen to anything.

It was quite late when everyone left, Zayana was already asleep and Zayaan and I were getting ready to get into bed.

I took longer than usual to get done, Zayaan was getting irritable. I don't know why but I couldn't find peace knowing that Raeesa was wronged.

Yes she wronged Zayaan and I, she separated me from my husband for months but that doesn't change the fact that she is a woman. She is another man's daughter and I wouldn't want anyone to treat my daughter like that.

Everyone else seems unaffected by all this but it's been bothering me. I feel like I should call and check up on her.

I'm also too afraid to do that because she might think I'm mocking her. I don't want to create another problem but I also don't want her to hold anymore grudges against us.

I can't tell Zayaan about my idea because I know he will never allow me to see her. I have to make a full proof plan and then only can I confront her.

I jumped into bed and turned to Zayaan, he looked furious and I didn't want to make him more furious and I know he would try to figure out what is bothering me.

I know he said he wanted us to spend sometime together since we were at my parents we haven't had anytime alone and with everyone around today it was impossible.

"You going to sleep, even after…"

I turned around and looked at him with a smirk is look. 

"Don't you dare give me that smile, you know I got work tomorrow and yet you took so long."

"I'm sorry babes, I can't help it, I'm tired."

"I don't want excuses Amu. I wanted us to spend time together and first you come late and now you tired."

"Amu! Where did that come from… you only call me by my name when you upset and if you really angry I get called Amaani."

He kept quiet and looked at me with a serious face. No smile, no expression, he just looked.

"Are you going to tell me or do I have to get it our of you?"

"Tell you what?"

"What's bothering you doll?"

"Nothing," I say with a fake smile.

"Don't tell me if you don't want to but at least don't lie to me. I know something is wrong but if you don't feel confident to share it with me it's okay. Yes I'm hurt that you can't openly share your feelings with me but I'll accept that it's something that you don't want to share with me. Anyways I'm tired so I'm going to sleep," He said and turned to face the other way.

"Babes don't be upset please."

"It's okay Amu, now go to bed before Zayana wakes up."

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