Chapter 84

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It's been two days that Zayaan has been discharged. My family went back today and it's been lonely ever since. I know I said I would manage and I wanted to do this alone but after being alone just for a few hours I felt miserable.

Jameel and Laila were here to see how I was doing. They went to check on Zayaan and he seemed to be doing well, he was walking around and making jokes. Laila slipped up and said that they were preparing for the wedding already. She didn't mention when the wedding was but I figured it would be soon.

Tabassum called and asked me to stop this wedding, but how do I do that. Raeesa is having a blast and enjoying her time back with Zayaan. He seems to be okay with her although his family doesn't approve.

I decided to start uni again, it would give me something to do and keep my mind distracted. Although half the time I was in my own world. My friends were all excited to have me back and are really supportive.

I still need to help Tasneem and Shiraz so I decided tonight Shiraz would pick me up and we would go to Tasneem's house to speak to her parent's. I just hope my situation doesn't affect their lives. Her parent's shouldn't feel like I couldn't handle my marriage and here I am giving them advise.

After uni Ahmed and Hassan invited all of us for dinner, I wasn't really in the mood to join them so I went home. My inlaws were waiting outside, Ammi brought food for dinner for us. There was still time for dinner so Abba suggested we sit in the lounge and talk.

"Abba I can't stay here longer than a month, this house reminds me of Zayaan alot, I haven't been to his office or the study, I'm sleeping in one of the other rooms."

"Amu there must be a way to stop this wedding."

"Ammi I would love to stop the wedding but I have no reason to. What am I going to tell Zayaan? Why am I stopping this wedding? Maybe it's for the best, I don't know if I can be with him knowing that while we were married he was with another woman."

"He doesn't know what he is doing."

"But she does and we all do, I don't see a way out of this. I'm not going to deprive you of your grandchild, you welcome to see him or her whenever you want but I can't live in the same town as Zayaan."

"Why don't you move in with us?"

"And see him with her everyday? Abba I don't think that is going to help."

"Gulaam it's no use trying to convince Amaani, she has made up her mind. I think we should leave."

"Ammi please don't do this, don't make it more difficult then it already is. I'm not that brave to sit and watch my husband marrying again."

"What are you going to do when his memory comes back? And what if it only happens after he is married to her?"

"Then I will be happy for him and move on."

They didn't say anything further and decided to leave. I could see they were not happy but they knew that there was nothing we could do. The doctors have told us that Zayaan is still not ready to be stressed, his body won't be able to handle it and he could end up in hospital again.

I had dinner and then got ready to meet Tasneem's parent's. Shiraz was here just in time, he seemed nervous and didn't want to go in with me. I suggested he wait in the car until I feel he needs to come in. Maybe meeting him would ease her parent's minds.

We drove up their drive way, I was just as nervous, I've never done something like this before. I walked up to the door, before I could knock the door opened and a tall really handsome man stood in the doorway. He looked at me, smiled and then asked me to come in.

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