Chapter 14

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I'm dressed and waiting in the living room with everyone else. Zafar sends Zuhair bhai a message to say that they have entered our street. I start panicking, I don't know what to expect and what is about to happen is scaring me. I'm not going to be meeting this guy for once and then he leaves and I tell everyone how I feel. This guy and his family will be staying with us for the weekend.

I hear the door opening and immediately my heart starts beating, As soon as everyone stands up to greet the Malik's I hide behind Zuhair bhai. He pulls me out from behind, I feel that all eyes are now on me, I look up when Zuhair bhai introduces me to Uncle Gulaam, Aunty Hasina and Tabassum, Tabassum is Zayaan's sister.

We all take our seats, Zayaan is on the phone so he is still outside. My Abba asks for him,  Tabassum calls him in. I look up and see a tall, fair guy standing in the doorway, could he be Zayaan. My Abba invites him into the room but doesn't mention his name. Then he introduces him to everyone and Zuhair bhai takes over to introduce him to me, I look down all the time and just greet him.

The kids are told to go to the tv room and spend some time together. I sit far away from him, Fawaaz bhai sees that I'm uncomfortable so he takes me to my parent's room downstairs. It's just what I needed, some time to take it all in.

"Amu are you okay?"

"I feel all this is happening too fast, I can't stop thinking of Aahil, he sent me a message this morning, he knows about today, I keep thinking about what he must be going through."

Before he can say anything Zafar interupts us,  Zuhair bhai was calling us back to the tv room. They thought it would be a good idea to have the two of us bond so we were sent to my room to talk. Me alone with Zayaan in my room was something I was dreading.

Bhabhi escorts us upstairs to my room and closes the door behind us. I invite Zayaan to have a seat on the couch and I sit on the bed. He keeps staring at me and it's making me uncomfortable and I start tapping my hand on my leg.

"Gosh you gorgeous, I'm sorry if I scared you by staring but I can't help myself, you just so beautiful, the pictures your father showed me did no justice."

"Thanks I guess, you not too bad yourself." Who was I kidding, he was very handsome but couldn't beat my Aahil. Agh why am I comparing.

"So your father was telling me that you want to study medicine next year, interesting…you do know that you will be studying for a few years? How will you manage being a wife and a mother during the time of your studies?"

"Whoa! Straight to the point… To answer you yes I intend on studying medicine and well to be precise it takes 6 years. I will manage to fulfill my duties as a wife making sure you have food on the table everyday and that you have clean clothes to wear as for children I don't intend to have any while I'm studying."

"Well we will have to discuss that because I love kid's and I want us to start planning a family a few months after we get married."

"Us… shew you fast..."

"We are getting married so from you and me we will become us. I hope I haven't offended you."

"Not at all. You are just speaking your mind."

"I'm glad we have an understanding. I really like you…Do you have anything to ask me?"

"Well I know you a lawyer, working in your dad's firm, that's all I know so maybe you can tell me more."

"I'm in the process of buying my own place, well our place… I love racing and spending time with friend's and family. We usually have everyone over on a friday night once a month. I love food, especially junk food and I love the beach, what about you?"

Before I could answer him Zafar came to get us for dinner. I liked him but not as in a husband, I can't see myself spending my life with him maybe because I've dreamt of it all happening with Aahil. Maybe I'm being too harsh on him, right now I'm annoyed.

We go downstairs, everyone gathers in the dinning room. Zayaan walks towards me and asks me where I will be sitting, he pulls the chair out for me which obviously impresses my family. This guy is earning brownie points with my family which is not making it easy for everyone to hate him.

After dinner, Fawaaz bhai organises for us to go out for some bowling to ease the tension between us. I will have to do everything with Zayaan for the next few day, I will probably be chanting his name by the end of this weekend.

It was already planned that Zafar, Fawaaz and Tabassum would ride with Zuhair bhai and bhabhi so that left Zayaan and I to drive alone. I was getting annoyed and knew that it was not the end of this it was actually just the beginning.

Zayaan walks me to the car, he opens the door, I slip into my seat and he closes the door. He gets into the drivers side and starts the car, he looks at me for a second and then begins to drive off.

"You look stunning in jeans too."

"Oh you noticed."

"Ouch what's that suppose to mean? Obviously I noticed, you so beautiful that any guy would be a fool to not take notice of you. Also I'm not that type of husband that doesn't notice his wife."

"Wow, aren't you taking it too fast. You already there…"


"At husband and wife. We not married as yet."

"Well we will be soon, very soon if I have my way."

We get to the place, Zayaan parks the car, slips out of his seat and rushes to my side to open the door for me, he gives me his hand and helps me out of the car. We spot the others and walk towards them.

"Is it too soon to be holding your hand?"

"I'm sorry but I respect my brothers and my bhabhi so I won't be doing any of that infront of them"

"Sorry I didn't mean when they looking."

I ignore him and march towards bhabhi. We've invited Nosheen bhabhi as well, so Fawaaz bhai can spend time with her. We go inside, I'm not really in the mood to play so I sit this one out and no surprise so does Zayaan.

While everyone is busy playing we go get snacks for them. Zayaan walks closer to me, he slips his hand around mine and gets hold of my hand, I don't want to create a scene so I leave it. We walk to the cafe, order the snacks and take it back to everyone. When we get back everyone is sitting at the table waiting for us.

"I saw that," said Nosheen bhabhi with a smirk on her face.

I felt so embarrassed, she could see that I felt bad and let me know that it's okay for us to hold hands, she said it's cute and shows that we care for each other. Yeah right I don't care for him, I care about my family and I will do all this just for them.

When we got home, the guys decided to go for a swim. I helped bhabhi make coffee for us, as I walked to the patio with the tray Zayaan came running towards me to help with the tray. This was getting annoying, I mean I can carry a tray, I don't need help with everything.

After we had coffee we all went to bed, Fawaaz and Zafar showed Zayaan and Tabassum to their rooms. I made sure to lock my door, I couldn't trust Zayaan, he probably would take advantage of the fact that everyone is asleep and come to my room to make more conversation.


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