Chapter 64

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I jump out of bed as my alarm rings for the 3rd time, I look at the time on my phone and realise I have just five minutes to pray my fajr. I quickly wake up Zayaan and rush to make wudhu and read my Salaah.

I can't believe I almost missed fajr, I kept hearing my alarm and putting it on snooze. After fajr Zayaan and I sat in bed talking, we were having breakfast with my family so we got ready and called Fawaaz bhai to fetch us.

Zayaan's family were coming over to my parents for lunch. We had decided before that we were not going to exchange parcels and gifts on the wedding day but rather the day after. 

Fawaaz bhai first took us to see Zayaan's family, as instructed by Ammi, she didn't want my inlaws saying that we didn't even come to greet them. Most of their guest had already left, only Ammi's sister and brother were still here, they were preparing to leave after breakfast.

We sat with them for a little while when Ammi(Zayaan's mum) suggested we leave so we not late for the photo shoot. I was excited to be going home to my family.

I heard Fawaaz bhai tell Zayaan that Abba wasn't doing too well, he didn't sleep last night and he has been shouting at everyone since this morning. Ammi tested his sugar and BP and both were high, but he refused to see the doctor.

I knew it, Abba wouldn't be able to handle the fact that I'm leaving the house. When I suggested leaving town to study at the coast so I could be there for Nani and Nanu, he made such a fuss and even stopped speaking to me until I gave in.

When we got home, Ammi had us sit in the living room while she called everyone. All the guests had already left, it's was just our family, papa and his family, Fathima, Nosheen bhabhi and Nani and Nanu. Once everyone got to the living room they showered Zayaan with gifts.

Finally when they were done we could have breakfast, it was already 9am and we told the beautician and hairstylist to be here at 9:30 and photographer to be here by 10am.

The beautician and hairstylist arrived so I left Zayaan with everyone and went upstairs to my room to get dressed. While I was dressing Zayaan went to change, Fathima came to call me when the photographer was here.

Everyone wanted to see how we looked and the poses we had to do but the photographer stopped them from joining us. She said we would become concious and distracted and won't be able to pose perfectly. Once we were done we both changed, Zayaan could be comfortable and wear his jeans and a T-shirt while I had to dress up. 

My inlaws arrived just before Zuhr, Ammi wanted us to exchange the parcels and gifts before we did anything else. We had a table with the parcels from our side and we asked them to place theirs on the other side of the table.

Then Ammi gave my inlaws their gifts, it's a custom that the brides family has to give gifts to the grooms family, his parent's and siblings, their spouses and children only.

After Zuhr Salaah, lunch was served, Ammi and Bhabhi cooked for today. Ammi made Gajar Halwa and for Zayaan she made plain sojee since he doesn't like carrots, Bhabhi made Chicken Biryani with all the works kachoomar, atchaars, salads, dhai, papad and papri.I am going to miss Bhabhi's cooking especially the biryani she makes.

Our flight was at 4pm so we had to leave immediately after lunch, Abba said they would leave one time with us and come straight to the airport and then go home. They were packed and ready so we didn't waste anytime.

I knew it was going to be difficult to leave my family but I didn't know it was going to be this difficult. I guess I never felt it so much yesterday because I knew I would see them today.

I sat with Ammi and Abba right until they announced for us to board the plane. I kept myself strong infront of my family but when we got to our seats I cried like a baby.

"Doll don't cry please, you will get to see them, I promise we will make a trip here. It's not so far and we can come anytime."

"I know babes, you won't understand, I'm not going to be living with them anymore, my everyday routine will be changed, I won't be waking up to Fawaaz bhai's voice, bhabhi's breakfast, I won't be sitting and enjoying my brother's jokes at breakfast or bhabhi arguing with Zuhair bhai because he won't put the paper down. I won't be their to take Zafu's side when Abba shouts him because he is late to the table, Ammi won't be there to make everything right."

"My love, we have to make new memories now. I know it's not the same and I'm not telling you to forget your family or their memories, I'm just asking you to take it easy and take each day as it comes. It will take time but we will get there together."

"I hope so babes. I'm missing my family already."

"Let's go back then."

"No babes that's not possible."

"I love you doll and I will make it possible if that's what you want."

"I love you too, I have to be strong, I knew I had to leave one day, I just didn't expect it to be so heart breaking."

"I'm sorry my love, I'm sorry I took you away from your family."

"Don't tease me."

The plane was ready for take off, Zayaan held my hand throughout the flight. I was nervous to be with his family, I have never been alone with them. We have been together plenty of times but always with my family.

Ammi sent Tabassum to ask us if we were okay, they were worried because they saw me crying when we got to our seats. They booked Zayaan and I separate seats at the back and they took seats right at the front.

When we landed, Ammi asked Zayaan to first come to their house and then we could go to our house. She said there were a few things they needed to do before we went home.

Zayaan was worried because he knew his father would never allow Nafeesa in the house. He allowed her for the wedding but he never spoke to her. I told Zayaan to let me go with Abba and Ammi and Tabassum and Nafeesa could go with him.

I decided to speak to Abba and try to convince him to allow Nafeesa and her family to come home with us. At first he was hesitant and gave excuses but I didn't take no for an answer. I made sure he agreed, I called Zayaan and told him to bring them home with us.

As we arrived, Ammi's brother and sister were there to welcome us, Zayaan told me that these were the only people who mattered to them because they always there for them.

Ammi and Tabassum went to fetch something, they came out with a parcel that had a necklace and bangles. Ammi said it is the same ritual that we did for Zayaan when he went to my parent's for the first time after we got married, it's called Salaami.

Zayaan was tired so we didn't stay long, he asked the driver to drop Nafeesa and her family when they were ready to leave and then we left. I couldn't wait to get to see our home, I sent everything to Zayaan so he had to just unpack things and put it where he thought it looked nice.

When we got to our street, Zayaan blindfolded me and then drove to the house when we were outside he told me to remove it. I was in shock, it was a huge mansion, I asked him to get us a comfortable house for two people.

It is a 6 bedroom house each room with an ensuite, with a huge kitchen, living, dining room, TV room, study, guest lounge, scullery, the outside was so beautiful, I couldn't wait to see the inside. I don't know what two of us are going to do with a six bedroom house. Zayaan says he took into consideration when my family comes over.

He opened the door and I was amazed, the house looked amazing, I doubted that Zayaan decorated the house himself and he came clean, he got a decorator to help him. She used everything I bought and bought other furniture and homeware.

Zayaan and I both decided to take a shower and get changed. There was nothing for us to do, I thought we would have to make beds at least for tonight and maybe unpack a little but I am glad it is all done and I can relax.

We ordered dinner from Zayaan's favourite restaurant and then we spent the rest of the evening in the room talking about what we want to do for the rest of week. I was sleepy so I set my alarm for fajr and went to bed, Zayaan wanted to check his emails so he sat on his laptop for a little while.

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