Chapter 109

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Zayaan stormed into the room and started pacing the room restlessly like a madman, he then sat down on the chair, he rose and begin pacing again then took a pause in his pacing, staring into space.

After a few minutes he snapped out of his thoughts and realised I was standing by the bathroom door staring at him.

I've never seen him like this before, he seemed confused and surprised at the same time. I didn't know if I should confront him or wait until he was ready to share his thoughts.

"Don't just stand there, help me make sense of this."

"Make sense of what?"

"I don't know if I should tell you because you might just get a little too excited and end up in labour."

"We wouldn't want that now! But anyways spill the beans!"

"I'm divorced."


"She signed the papers, no fuss, no conditions, nothing. I feel like I'm dreaming."

I sat on the bed shocked at what my ears just heard, was this really happening… did she really sign the papers… are we really free from her… will my baby finally have a normal life.

Zayaan started screaming and shouting and dancing with joy that everyone came to see what happened. They all thought I had gone into labour.

"What is happening Amu?" Zuhair bhai asked with a smirk on his face and confused.

"He is celebrating."

"What is he celebrating?"

"Bhai I'm finally divorced from that witch."

Smiles immediately reflected on everyone's face, smiles of joy and satisfaction lit up their faces. I could see the relief on everyone's face.

I sat there looking at everyone so joyful and thanked Allah for bringing back the joy into our lives when my phone rang, it was Aadil.

"From all the noise I guess you got the news, Assalaam-u-alaikum."

"Walaikum Salaam, how did you know about the news? Was it you who got her to do this?"

"I can say I had a hand in it."

"Thank you so much."

"It's the least I could do after what you did for my sister."

"I did that as a friend, I didn't need a favour in return but thanks anyways."

"You welcome."

"So how are things going with you and Raeesa?"

"About that I'll tell you some other time, for now enjoy the moment of your victory."

"Okay, thanks again."

Once everyone calmed down I told them the reason behind this miracle. Abba said it's a reason to celebrate and so we were all going out for dinner.

My inlaws were really happy for us, Tabassum was really excited. She always wanted Raeesa out of our lives.

Seeing the joy on Zayaan's face and his reaction has made me realise how wrong I was. I always taunted him for running to her and leaving me, I blamed him for so much and he really didn't want to be with her.

Maybe it was jealousy but I've always been possessive over my loved ones. I could never stand someone else showing more possession over them or even hurt them.

Zayaan packed his bags for his trip on Tuesday, I'm not too happy that he is leaving me now when I'm so close to my due date but it's also important that he goes.

Zafu came to call Zayaan and I, everyone was ready to leave for dinner, all I really wanted was to be alone with Zayaan but this was a dinner for us, for our celebration so we couldn't ditch my family. 

Once we got to the restaurant the waiter took us to our table which was huge, we were 24 of us, it was the Siddiqi's, the Malik's, the Hamidi's and Fathi and Zunaid( the Ali's).

Once our orders were placed Abba said a small speech congratulating Zayaan and I and also thanking everyone for supporting us.  He also said that we are grateful to have everyone in our lives.

Truly, I am really grateful that I have such supporting and wonderful people in my life. Not for once I was left to feel that I was alone in this.

My mind drifted off to Nosheen bhabhi and all those harsh things she said and how little she thought of our family. It scared me to think what would happen if my parents found out.

Zayaan tapped me as our food had arrived that's when I snapped out of my thoughts. Once dinner was done we headed home to sit near the fireplace and enjoy a cuppa and each others company.

Fehmida bhabhi and Nuwal Bhabhi made coffee and tea for everyone. My feet was hurting so Ammi instructed me to sit in one place. I decided to change into comfortable clothes.

"Are you okay doll? I mean are you happy?"

"Yes I am, are you not happy?"

"Doll I can't explain my happiness, it's beyond words. I feel like standing on a mountain and screaming to the world that I'm finally only yours. I hope now our life can go back to the way it was. I want to be with you like we use to before, no complications, no arguing, just us loving each other and our time together."

"I want the same babes, I'm just glad that the bad phase in our lives are over and we can move on and what makes me even happier is that it happened before our baby arrived."

"It's been an adventurous weekend, it's so nice to have everyone together, we must invite everyone to our place one weekend. It's such a nice feeling having family around. I'm really loving it here."

"What! I thought you hated this place and would never move here."

"Well I guess it grew on me."

"Wow so we can move this side then?"

"What about my parents?"

"We have them move in with us."

"Oh no doll, there's a reason I never wanted you to stay with my father and you know that."

"I know babes but Abba hasn't been like that with me, he never restricted me from doing anything, never tried to control me."

"That's because we on our own, once we live with him it will be different."

"Okay if it makes you happy then I'll drop the idea."

"I never said we couldn't move but my firm is that side and so are my clients, moving here would mean a new start and I don't know if I'm ready for that."

"It's okay babes, let's just drop the idea, I'm okay with it."

"I'll give it a thought, I promise."

We joined everyone in the living room who were already sipping on their mugs of coffee. Suhail bhai and Aahil were the talk of the evening.

Since Suhail bhai has chosen his life partner everyone was pressuring Aahil into getting married. Aunty Ayesha said she really liked Seher but Aahil called off their engagement.

"Amu please come to my defense here, I'm losing this battle. Tell them that I'm not yet ready to get married."

"But why not? You the right age and as Aunty Ayesha said she likes Seher so why call things off."

"I was never interested in her."

We continued to persuade him but he refused to listen so we moved on to Suhail bhai's engagement and wedding plans. We the boys family so not much for us beside the Walimah to plan.

The night passed and so did the next day, The day had come when everyone had to leave, the house was chaotic this morning with the Hamidi's leaving really early for their flight and then a quick breakfast with my inlaws and they had to also leave and so did Zayaan.

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