Chapter 101

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Today is Tasneem and Shiraz's engagement, it's an exciting day for of us. Seeing two people who are inlove unite is so delightful.

I got ready early and went to Tasneem's house. The caterers, the florist and all the workers were already busy with the arrangements.

"Tasneem is in her room, she is a mess please see to her," Aadil says hysterically.

"Relax she will be okay, it's natural to be nervous."

When I got to Tasneem's room she was sitting on the bed looking at her outfit. She seemed lost in thoughts, probably last minute jitters.

Suhaima, Rumanah and Sakina arrived just in time to help me with getting Tasneem ready. The boys were downstairs helping where they could.

I was really amazed with the outcome of everything. Things just seemed to fall in place, it's weird how we plan for so long and stress about every small detail and Allah has already planned for everything to be just the way it suppose to be.

It reminded me of when I got engaged, it wasn't as special for me because I wasn't happy about it but I still cherish the moment because today that moment is special because it brought me Zayaan.

"You can get dressed in my room Amu, I'm done and no one will disturb you there," Aadil says casually.


I went to Aadil's room to dress, it's the first time I've been to his room, for a guy I must say his room is really neat and everything is in place.

I was busy dressing when I spotted something that was slightly showing from under his pillow.

I didn't want to be rude and check what it was but I also didn't want it to get into the wrong hands so I lifted the pillow to cover it.

I was shocked, I didn't know what to make of it. What was he doing with a photo of Raeesa and why was it under his pillow.

I contemplated for a while whether I should confront him or not. If he is interested in her then maybe it could help us.

I'm not trying to be selfish , I feel it would be good for everyone if he is. She will not be alone and Zayaan will be free from her.

I decided to let the function finish and when everyone leaves I will ask Aadil. I didn't want to upset him or create a scene infront of so many people.

Zayaan arrived as I walked into the hallway, he seemed happy to see me and I was definitely happy to see him.

We still haven't spoken to each other it's been three days so far. I'm not upset with him just a little hurt that he isn't speaking to me. I tried a few times but he didn't reply so I left him.

Once Shiraz and his family arrived, Suhaima brought Tasneem to the living room. It was a really small affair, we were just over 20 people.

I liked it, it was intimate and only family and a few of us friends. It was Tasneem's wish to have things this way. No wastage of food or money, big functions are such a waste.

Both parents asked the couple if they were sure about this decision to be life partners and when they said yes they exchanged rings.

The guest got to congratulate the couple and then finger foods were served in the garden. It's chilly outside so we they put up a tent.

Everything was really beautiful, the decor, the food platters, the way the serviettes were placed. Everything was cared for to detail.

Once the function was over we helped clean up and pack away things. I asked Zayaan to go home, I didn't want him to be around when I spoke to Aadil about Raeesa's photo.

"I'm going to ask you something and I need you to be honest with me."

"What is it?"

"I saw a photo of Raeesa in your room, I didn't mean to find it but I just happen to see it stick out from under your pillow. What is happening?"

"Oh that, someone I know sent me a photo of her."

"Okay but why would they send you a photo of her?"

"It's nothing."

"Aadil what is going on? The look on your face doesn't imply that it is nothing."

"Uhm, Amu don't be uhm...".

"You can tell me I promise if you don't want anyone to know I won't tell."

"Okay we've been chatting and have gotten to know each other the past two weeks and I think I like her alot."

"What? You two have been speaking, Have you told her how you feel?"

"No I haven't, I'm not speaking to her now because I told her not to make any demands with the divorce and she played it very cunning. I can't have anything to do with her if she is hurting you."

"I don't know what to say...wait you knew about her conditions."

"I was on my way to tell you when I found out but she had already told Zayaan."

"I don't want to sound selfish here but if the two of you are interested in each other then for Zayaan and I that is good news. That would mean she would easily give him a divorce."

"I can't be with a person like her, I'm sorry Amu, yes I knew how she was before I started speaking to her but I thought she would change but she is someone that no one can change."

"It's okay I guess but I still think you should let her know how you feel even if you chose not to be with her. Maybe just knowing how you feel will change her."

"I will think about it."

I didn't force the issue further, I didn't feel it was right to do so and I didn't want Aadil to feel I was pushing him into this relationship for my own selfish reasons.

Whatever is written out for you is what you receive, no one can change that, so if this is meant for them then they will end up together and if not then they will not.

It might look like hope for us but it could also turn out not to be. We are receiving what is written out for us and no matter how much we want out of it, it will only end when the Almighty has written for it to end.

When I got home Zayaan was relaxing on the bed watching tv. He seemed upset and since we haven't spoken in days I didn't bother to ask him anything.

I changed and then decided to spend the rest of the day with Tabassum. We went to the mall for coffee and then went to check what movies were showing, we booked our tickets and still had time until the movie so we shopped a little.

Tabassum decided to stay over by us so we decided to get take outs for us and Zayaan but to our surprise when we got home he wasn't around.

Tabassum messaged him to inform him that she is staying over by us and would have loved it if he was home but he didn't reply.

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